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Analyze review results: Competency assessment reporting

👥 When it comes to viewing and analyzing review results, your level of results visibility depends on your role in the review cycle. Direct managers can see results for their direct reports. Skip-level managers can see results for their hierarchy if hierarchy visibility is enabled in the review cycle. Review admins and cycle collaborators can see results for all review cycle participants.

If the question template used in your review cycle included competency assessment questions, you can reporting on competencies using Competency assessment reporting once people begin submitting reviews. You can use Competency assessment reporting to see which competencies your team scored best on, which competencies have the greatest room for improvement, the distribution of competency scores, and perception gaps between review writers and participants.

In this article, you will learn...


Access Competency assessment reporting

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to view results in to open the cycle's Overview page.
  3. If you don't have an administrative role in the review cycle, click into the 'Team's results' tab. It is at the top of your page, to the right of Overview, Peer nominations, etc.
    If you have an administrative role in the review cycle, click into the 'Company's results' tab.
  4. Click into the 'Competency assessment' tab.

Available downloads

  • All competency results: Includes how each participant was rated in all competency questions across all review types (self, manager, additional manager, peer, and/or upward).
    • To download this report, click the Download button at the top of the 'Competency results' table. Filters on the page will not impact the download file.
    • Columns included in this download: Employee email, First name, Last name, Job title, Active groups, Employee ID, Manager first name, Manager last name, Manager email, Review type, Respondent first name, Respondent last name, qualitative competency rating (for each competency), quantitive competency rating (for each competency), Normalized average competency score


The "normalized average competency score" is an average of all submitted competency answers for the competency and person in question. If the download shows a '-' in the average competency score column, that means there is only one review and therefore an average cannot be calculated.

Use the Competency assessment reporting page

'People' filter

If desired, select a specific person or group who you want to view competency results for using the 'People' drop-down menu. If you want to view results for all participants whose review results you have permission to view, leave the filter alone.


'Top competencies' and 'Top opportunities' sections

The 'Top competencies' section lists the 3 competencies with the highest average score for all participants (or the selection from the People filter).

The 'Top opportunities' section lists the 3 competencies with the lowest average score for all participants (or the selection from the People filter).


'Competency results' table

The 'Competency results' table is jam-packed with insight into how participants scored for each competency. Be sure to hover over any field that you're unsure about—there are a handful of tooltips.


  • You can filter to see combination of self, manager, and/or peer review submissions by checking or unchecking the corresponding boxes.
  • You can also sort which competencies should appear in the table. Sort options include: All competency behaviors, Most aligned (smallest perception gap in responses), Least aligned (largest perception gap in responses), Top competencies (highest average), and Top opportunities (lowest average).

Grid view

By default, the Competency results table is shown in grid view. This view is a grid that shows the distribution of competencies for all review cycle participants you have permission to view results for (or who match chosen filters).

  • The left-hand column of the table lists review cycle competencies that match chosen filters. Hover over any competency cell to display its description.
  • The additional columns show all competencies answers from Left/Lowest→ Right/Highest. The answer cells from left to right are based on the Likert scale answer options that were selected for the competency question in the Best-Self Review® question template.
    If Likert scale option differ for competencies (e.g. if some competencies were programmed with 4 answer options and some with 7), we use grey cells to denote inactive cells.
  • Each active cell shows the percentage of participants whose average competency score falls into that range.
    • The average score is calculated based on which reviews you filtered by— Self, Manager, and/or Peer.
    • Only submitted reviews are included in these averages.
    • Hover over any answer cell to display the scale label and how many participants fall into that cell.

Graph view

In addition to grid view, you can view results in graph view. The goal of graph view is to allow you to easily spot perception gaps between review writers and participants.


Click the Graph view icon in the top, right-hand corner of the table to open the competency results graph.

Some things to note about graph view:

  • You can only use graph view to view 12 or less competencies at a time. If the cycle included more than 12 competencies and you want to utilize graph view, try filtering your competencies.
  • The three line colors on the graph represent review type and match up with the review filter colors shown in the top, left-hand corner of the 'Competency results' table. The gold/yellow line represents self review answers, the purple represents manager review answers, and the red/orange represents peer review answers.
  • Hover over a point on the graph to open up details.

Related articles 📖

Once you're done analyzing results in the Competency assessment tab, you can continue to other sections to analyze results in different ways.

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