This article walks through how to upload and edit job titles, descriptions, responsibilities, and projects & tasks. These fields should be added to 15Five prior to utilizing Career Hub. Capabilities for each of these tasks are different based on your role in 15Five (account admin, manager, or employee).

In this article, you will learn…

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Career Hub and Feature settings.
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

Terminology and context

Job title

A job title is the name of a person’s job/role (e.g. Customer Success Manager, Account Executive, CEO). In 15Five, this field appears in multiple places: job title is an identifying attribute in employee profiles, appears in Best-Self Review®, and is visible in an employee’s Career Hub.

If your company doesn’t use SCIM to manage job titles, a person’s job title can be edited by accounts admins, a person’s manager, and the person themselves.

Job description

A job description is a short summary of the general goal and impact of a role. Job descriptions are visible in two features: Best-Self Review® and Career Hub. You can only upload job descriptions if Career Hub is enabled in your company’s account.

Job descriptions appear in three places in 15Five. In Best-Self Review® a person’s job description appears in reviews that are being written about them so the review author is aware of what the reviewee does at their company. A person’s job description also appears in their Career Hub so they and their manager are aware of the general expectations and aim of their role. And, finally, a person’s job description appears in their profile under the ‘Career’ tab.

A person’s job description can be managed by accounts admins in bulk via CSV, or one-off by their manager in Career Hub.

Job responsibilities

Job responsibilities are specific responsibilities and tasks required of an employee in a role.

Job responsibilities are visible in the ‘Role clarity’ tab of an employee’s Career Hub. Here, employees are asked to rate how energizing their job responsibilities are. You can only upload job responsibilities if Career Hub is enabled in your company’s account.

Job responsibilities can be managed by the employee or their manager from within Career Hub, and are visible both in Career Hub and in the ‘Career’ tab of their profile.

Projects & tasks

Projects & tasks are projects/tasks that an employee completes in their role, but that aren’t part of their written job description/responsibilities. You can only upload projects & tasks if Career Hub is enabled in your company’s account. Projects & tasks are visible in the ‘Role clarity’ tab of an employee’s Career Hub. Here, employees are asked to rate how energizing their projects & tasks are.

Projects & tasks can be managed by the employee or their manager from within Career Hub.

Account admins: Manage job information for my company

This section walks account admins through how to manage job titles, job descriptions, and job responsibilities in bulk for your organization.

Manage job titles

Before making edits to job titles, please note that any job descriptions and/or responsibilities you upload will be matched up to employees via the job title listed in their profile. That said, it’s important to make sure that all employee profiles list their accurate job title— meaning everyone with the same job should have matching job titles and none of them include extra symbols, commas, spaces, words, etc.



If your company uses SCIM to manage job titles, you will not have the option to edit job titles in 15Five. Any desired changes must be made in your SCIM provider.

Edit job titles one-off

As an account admin, you can add or edit job titles for anyone in your organization. To edit an individual’s job title, please follow the steps in our “Update a person's account settings” Help Center article. Or, to review and manage job titles in bulk, follow the steps below.

Review and edit job titles in bulk

  • Make edits to job titles: Using the ‘job_title’ column, confirm that the job title listed for all employees is accurate. If any job titles are not accurate, make desired edits directly on the CSV.
  • Import updated job titles: Once you’ve made all desired edits to job titles, save your CSV in a Unicode (UTF-8) format, then import it. Importing the updated CSV will cause all changes to be reflected in 15Five.
Bulk upload job descriptions and responsibilities
  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top right-hand corner of your 15Five account.
  2. Select 'Features' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Scroll down and click on 'Career Hub’.CareerHub.png
  4. You are now on the 'Import’ page for Career Hub. Click Create new import.CreateNewImport.png
  5. Click Download template to download a fillable CSV template for job descriptions and job responsibilities.
  6. On the CSV you will see columns for job_title, job_description, and responsibilities. Fill out the CSV for all roles in your company. 


    Descriptions and examples of what should be contained in each column can be found in the ‘Download template’ tab.

  7. Once you’ve completed your CSV, save it in Unicode (UTF-8)format. Then click the Create new import button to upload your file.
  8. When the upload is complete, you will see a summary of all information that is set to be uploaded. Click the Publish button to import responsibilities.
Edit job descriptions and responsibilities

Account admins cannot access or update individual job descriptions or responsibilities anywhere in-app. You can, however, use a CSV import to update people’s job descriptions/responsibilities. If you need to edit a description or responsibility, create a CSV that includes columns for 'job_title' and 'job_description' and/or 'responsibilities', then follow the steps in the previous section of this article ("Bulk upload job descriptions and responsibilities") to upload your CSV. Changes will be reflected immediately upon upload.



Only account admins have the ability to edit job responsibilities that were programmed by an account admin.

Managers: Manage job information for my direct reports

This section walks managers through how to manage their direct reports’ job titles, job descriptions, job responsibilities, and projects & tasks.

Manage job titles

You can manage your direct report’s job title from the 'Manage people' page by clicking into their individual settings. Check out our “Update a person's account settings” Help Center article for more information.

Please note that any job descriptions or responsibilities that are uploaded to 15Five by account admins are matched up to employees via the job title listed in their settings. That said, it’s important that all employee profiles list their accurate job title— meaning that job titles shouldn’t have extra symbols, commas, spaces, words, etc. Please keep this in mind when making any changes to job titles.



If your company uses SCIM to manage job titles, you will not have the option to edit job titles in 15Five. Any desired changes must be made in your SCIM provider.

Manage job descriptions
  1. Click on 'Career Hub' in the left-hand navigation bar of 15Five.
  2. You’ll land on the ‘My Team’ page for Career Hub, which lists your direct reports. Under "Team", click the name of the employee whose job descriptions or responsibilities you'd like to manage to open their Career Hub.
  3. Once you’ve opened a person’s Career Hub, click to open the ‘Role clarity’ tab.RoleClarityTab.png
  4. From the 'Role Clarity' tab, scroll down to the 'Job title & description’ section.
  5. Click Edit in the top right-hand corner of the ‘Job title & description’ section.
  6. Make desired changes to the job description, then click Save changes.
Manage job responsibilities

The purpose of the ‘Job responsibility’ section is to list job responsibilities as laid out in an employee’s job description. During the course of filling out their Career Hub, employees will rate each of these responsibilities based on how energizing they find them.



Energizing levels for responsibilities or projects/tasks are only visible to an employee and their manager. Up until an employee shares energizing levels with their manager, they are only visible to the employee themselves. Check out our “Career Hub for employees” and “Career Hub for managers” Help Center articles for more information.

  1. Click on 'Career Hub' in the left-hand navigation bar of 15Five.
  2. You’ll land on the ‘My Team’ page for Career Hub, which lists your direct reports. Under "Team", click the name of the employee whose job descriptions or responsibilities you'd like to manage to open their Career Hub.
  3. Once you’ve opened a person’s Career Hub, click to open the ‘Role clarity’ tab.RoleClarityTab.png
  4. From the 'Role Clarity' tab, scroll down to the ‘Job responsibilities’ section.
  5. To add a responsibility, click +Add responsibility in the top right corner of the ‘Job responsibilities’ section. Add responsibilities that are part of the employee’s job description.
  6. When you’re done, click Submit. Repeat until all responsibilities outlined in the employee’s job description are listed.
  7. To edit an existing responsibility, click the ‘...’ to the left of the responsibility and select Edit from the dropdown menu.EditResponsibility.png
    Make your desired edits, then click Update.


You cannot edit job responsibilities that were programmed by an account administrator.

Manage projects & tasks

The purpose of the ‘Projects & tasks’ section is to list projects and tasks an employee does on a regular basis that aren’t part of their official job responsibilities. During the course of filling out their Career Hub, employees will rate each of these projects/tasks based on how energizing they find them.



Energizing levels for responsibilities or projects/tasks are only visible to an employee and their manager. Up until an employee shares energizing levels with their manager, they are only visible to the employee themselves. Check out our “Career Hub for employees” and "Career Hub for managers" Help Center articles for more information.

  1. Click on 'Career Hub' in the left-hand navigation bar of 15Five.
  2. You’ll land on the ‘My Team’ page for Career Hub, which lists your direct reports. Under "Team", click the name of the employee whose job descriptions or responsibilities you'd like to manage to open their Career Hub.
  3. Once you’ve opened a person’s Career Hub, click to open the ‘Role clarity’ tab.RoleClarityTab.png
  4. From the 'Role Clarity' tab, scroll down to the ‘Projects & tasks’ section.
  5. To add a project or task, click + Add item in the top right corner of the ‘Projects & tasks’ section. Add items that an employee performs in their role, but that aren’t part of their official job description.
  6. To edit an existing project or task, click the ‘...’ to its left and select Edit from the dropdown menu.EditProjectsTasks.png
  7. Make your desired edits, then click Update.

Employees: Manage job information for me

This section walks through how an employee can edit their job title, job responsibilities, and/or projects & tasks. Employees do not have the ability to edit their job descriptions and should reach out to their manager or an account admin for assistance if they wish to do so.

Edit job title

Employees can edit their job titles from within their individual settings. However, please note that any job descriptions or responsibilities that are uploaded to 15Five by account admins are matched up to employees via the job title listed in their settings. That said, it’s important that all employee profiles list their accurate job title— meaning that job titles shouldn’t have extra symbols, commas, spaces, words, etc. Please keep this in mind when making any changes to your job title.



If your company uses SCIM to manage job titles, you will not have the option to edit job titles in 15Five. Any desired changes must be made in your SCIM provider.

Manage job responsibilities

The purpose of the ‘Job responsibilities’ section in Career Hub is to list job responsibilities as laid out in your official job description. During the course of filling out your Career Hub, you will rate each of these responsibilities based on how energizing you find them.



Energizing levels for responsibilities or projects/tasks are only visible to an employee and their manager. Up until an employee shares energizing levels with their manager, they are only visible to the employee themselves. Check out our “Career Hub for employees” and “Career Hub for managers” Help Center articles for more information.

  1. Click on 'Career Hub' in the left-hand navigation bar of 15Five.
  2. Click to open the ‘Role clarity’ tab.
  3. From the 'Role Clarity' tab, scroll down to the 'Job title & description’ section.
  4. If you notice that any tasks that are part of your official job description are missing from the "Job responsibilities" section of your Career Hub ‘Role Clarity’ tab, you can add them. To add a responsibility, click +Add responsibility in the top right corner of the ‘Job responsibilities’ section.
  5. Once you’re done, click Submit. Repeat until all responsibilities outlined in your official job description are listed.
  6. To edit an existing responsibility, click the ‘...’ to the left of the responsibility and select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  7. Make your desired edits, then click Update.


You cannot edit job responsibilities that were programmed by an account administrator.

Manage projects & tasks

The purpose of the ‘Projects & tasks’ section of your Career Hub is to list projects and tasks you perform on a regular basis at work that aren’t part of your official job responsibilities. During the course of filling out their Career Hub, you will be asked to rate each of these projects/tasks based on how energizing you find them.



Energizing levels for responsibilities or projects/tasks are only visible to an employee and their manager. Up until an employee shares energizing levels with their manager, they are only visible to the employee themselves. Check out our “Career Hub for employees” and “Career Hub for managers” Help Center articles for more information.

  1. Click on 'Career Hub' in the left-hand navigation bar of 15Five.
  2. Click to open the ‘Role clarity’ tab.
  3. From the 'Role Clarity' tab, scroll down to the ‘Projects & tasks’ section.
  4. To add a project or task, click +Add item in the top right corner of the ‘Projects & tasks’ section. Add items that you perform in their role, but that aren’t part of your official job description
  5. To edit an existing project or task, click the ‘...’ to its left and select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  6. Make your desired edits, then click Update.

Check out these additional resources ⬇️

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