Coaching Hub is a feature that allows organizations to manage, assign, schedule, and record coaching sessions their organization has purchased from 15Five's Transform Team. This article walks through how HR leaders can utilize the Coaching Hub feature.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to the Engage Portal and Coaching Hub.
👥 This article is relevant to Engagement Admins and Organization Admins with "manage coaching" permissions.
📦 This feature is available in the Transform and Transform Accelerator pricing packages.

Access Coaching Hub

  1. Click on Training & Coaching in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and then select Coaching Hub from the dropdown options.



    If you don't see the Coaching Hub dropdown option, enable it in the "Transform" section of the Feature Settings page.

  2. You'll be taken to the 'Manage Sessions' page in the Engage portal.

Use the 'Manage Sessions' page

The 'Manage Sessions' page allows you to see information and updates on the status of each coaching session in your organization, as well as assign coaching sessions to individuals and groups in your organization.

There are two tabs on the 'Manage Sessions' page: 'Sessions' and 'Subscriptions'.

  • The Sessions tab allows you to see information for all coaching sessions in your organization.
  • The Subscriptions tab allows you to see all available coaching sessions for your organization and what sessions are available for you to redeem and assign. This is also the page on which HR leaders can assign coaching sessions to coaching participants.

Read more about how to use each of these tabs below.

Sessions tab

In the 'Sessions' tab, admins can see information for all coaching sessions in their organization.

Metric boxes

At the top of the page, you'll see three metric boxes: Sessions Completed, People in Sessions, and Available Subscriptions.


  • Sessions Completed lists the number of coaching sessions that your organization has completed. 
  • People in Sessions lists the number of participants that are part of active coaching subscriptions.
  • Available Subscriptions lists the number of unredeemed sessions (i.e. coaching sessions that your organization has paid for but not yet assigned) in your company account. Click View to access the 'Subscriptions' tab of the HR Dashboard, covered in more detail in the next section of this article.

Leaders with Sessions table

Below the metric boxes, you'll find the Leaders with Sessions table.


  1. Use the 'Filter by' option in the top, right-hand corner of the page to filter the table by Status, Subscription type, and/or Date. You can also use the search bar to find the session you're looking for.
  2. View information about coaching sessions, including:
    • Subscription Type: The type of coaching session or series.
    • Session Date: The day the coaching session is scheduled for.
    • Facilitator: The name of the 15Five Facilitator charged with running the session.
    • Participant(s)/Cohort: The names of all coaching participants or the cohort assigned to the coaching session.
    • Focus Area: Once a session is complete, HR Leaders are able to see the main focus area/theme from the session in this field.
    • Status: The status of a coaching session— namely, 'Assigned', 'Scheduled', or 'Completed'.
  3.  Click View subscription next to a session to open the full subscription page associated with that session. This page includes all coaching sessions included in that subscription.
  4. On this page, you can click Edit subscription in the top, right-hand corner of the page to edit Participant(s), Cohort Name, and other subscription settings.
Subscriptions tab

The 'Subscriptions' tab of the HR Dashboard lists the coaching sessions an organization has purchased and what sessions are available for them to redeem. This is also the page on which HR leaders can assign coaching sessions to coaching participants. There are two tables in this tab: 'Subscriptions' and 'Not Purchased'.

Subscriptions table

The 'Subscriptions' table contains all coaching sessions your organization has purchased. You can see how many subscription seats are available in the 'Available' column.


Manage subscription participants and settings

  1. Click Manage to the right of a subscription.
  2. If the subscription is already assigned to participants, their names or the cohort name will appear in the 'Edit Subscriptions' table. Click View details to open the full subscription page that contains all coaching sessions included in that subscription.
  3. At the top of the page, you'll see how many subscriptions are available. Click Assign Subscription in the top, right-hand corner of the page to open subscription settings.
  4. Here you can edit the following subscription settings:
    • Participants
    • Cohort name
    • Designated scheduler
    • Notes
  5. Once you've made all desired changes, click Assign at the bottom of the page.

Not Purchased table

The 'Not Purchased' table displays available 15Five Transform subscriptions that your organization doesn't currently have access to. If you'd like to purchase any of these additional subscriptions, please reach out to your CSM or contact 15Five's Support Team.


Monitor coaching outcomes

Once a session is complete, HR Leaders are able to see the main area that the coach focused on with coaching participants in the 'Sessions' tab of Coaching Hub. Having access to this information allows you to see if there are common themes around what’s being discussed in coaching sessions across the organization.

Available focus areas
  • Change management: Change is something that all leaders face. Your coach can help you prepare or walk through times of change. This may look like creating a plan, processing what is happening, or practicing for upcoming conversations.
  • Communication: Communication plays a crucial role in people management. Whether it's casting vision, giving feedback, having effective 1:1s, active listening, or working through conflict, your coach will help you think through how to make the most out of opportunities to communicate with your team.
  • Management style: Developing a management style that is authentic to you is important. Your coach will help you explore how to refine your style, minimize weaknesses, strengthen your skills, and show up as an authentic, effective manager and leader.
  • Managing up: Sometimes the challenges in being a manager aren't from circumstances related to your direct reports, but rather related to upper leadership and the organization at large. Coaching sessions will focus on these dynamics to define a path forward as you think about managing up and influencing the organizational culture.
  • New manager: As a new manager, your coach will be a safe, helpful, outside source to help you process your experiences, grow your skills and confidence, and build habits that set you up for success as a manager and leader.
  • Personal growth: Working with a coach is a great way to learn more about yourself. Your coach will work with you to focus on areas of personal growth. Conversations relating to personal growth could be about creating balance, stress management, emotional intelligence, overcoming mental distractions, expanding your influence, or identifying blind spots that are reducing your personal effectiveness and success.
  • Team culture: As a manager, you play an important role in developing the culture of your team. Culture includes the formal and informal beliefs, policies, and behaviors of your team, whether they are helping you achieve shared success or not. Issues around gender, race and ethnicity, as well as conflict styles and styles of recognition are common topics of discovery. A 15Five coach will help you think through the culture as it is and as you want it to be.
  • Team performance: Your coach will help you explore your team's performance. Identifying ways to motivate the team as they work toward a goal, recognizing how you can celebrate achievements, or talking through how you create a strategy for your team are part of maximizing team performance.

Measure lifts in engagement and performance

HR leaders can measure the impact that coaching has on their team's engagement using heatmap reporting for groups before and after coaching sessions to see the impact that coaching had.


For more information about Coaching Hub, check out these additional resources ⬇️

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