👥 When it comes to viewing and analyzing review results, your level of results visibility depends on your role in the review cycle. Direct managers can see results for their direct reports. Skip-level managers can see results for their hierarchy if hierarchy visibility is enabled in the review cycle. Review admins and cycle collaborators can see results for all review cycle participants.

15Five's Performance Ratings+ feature allows you to automate numerical scores for review cycle participants based on a custom formula that combines aggregate scores from self and/or manager review answers.

Review admins, cycle collaborators, and manager can run reports on what performance ratings review cycle participants received based on their visibility, giving them insight into how employees are performing and enabling them to make performance decisions at scale without the endless hours manipulating spreadsheets...all while reducing bias!

In this article, you will learn...

Access Performance Ratings reporting

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to view results in to open the cycle's Overview page.
  3. If you don't have an administrative role in the review cycle, click into the 'Team's results' tab. It is at the top of your page, to the right of Overview, Peer nominations, etc.
    If you have an administrative role in the review cycle, click into the 'Company's results' tab.
  4. You'll land on the 'Summary' tab of review results. From here, scroll down to the 'Performance Ratings+' section.
  5. Click ... to the right of the performance ratings graph and select 'View score distribution' to open the Performance Ratings+ details page.

Available downloads

Summary page

  • Performance Ratings+ report: Includes the distribution of performance ratings for participants that match selected filters. Allows you to see how many people fall into each performance rating.
    • To download this report, click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the 'Performance Ratings+' box on the review summary page.
    • Columns included in this download: Performance Rating, Score Range, Rating description, Participant count, Participant %

Performance Ratings+ details page

  • Performance ratings score distribution report: Contains performance rating category information and how many participants (# and %) fall into each category. 
    • To download this report, click ... next to the 'Performance Ratings+' section of the results summary tab and select 'View all answers' from the dropdown menu. Then, click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the score distribution table.
    • Columns included in this download: Performance Rating, Score Range, Rating description, Participant count,Participant %
  • Performance ratings score distribution/participant view report: Includes a list of all participants that received a specific performance rating.
    • To download this report, click ... next to the 'Performance Ratings+' section of the results summary tab and select 'View all answers' from the dropdown menu. Then, click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the individuals table.
    • Columns included in this download: Participant, Reviewer, Rating, Rating description, Overall score, Review cycle
  • Performance ratings compare groups report: Includes all groups that meet selected filters and what # and % of group members fell into each ratings category.
    • To download this report, click ... next to the 'Performance Ratings+' section of the results summary tab and select 'View all answers' from the dropdown menu. Then, open the 'Compare groups' tab and click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the compare groups chart.
    • Columns included in this download: Group name, Ratings Category Label (for each ratings category), Ratings Category Count (for each ratings category), Ratings Category Percentage (for each ratings category)
  • Performance ratings compare groups/participant view report: Includes a list of all participants that match selected filters and what rating and score they received.
    • To download this report, click ... next to the 'Performance Ratings+' section of the results summary tab and select 'View all answers' from the dropdown menu. Then, open the 'Compare groups' tab and click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the individuals table.
    • Columns included in this download: Participant, Reviewer, Rating, Rating description, Overall score, Review cycle
  • Performance ratings trends over time report: Allows you to see how performance rating distribution changed across selected cycles.
    • To download this report, click ... next to the 'Performance Ratings+' section of the results summary tab and select 'View all answers' from the dropdown menu. Then, open the 'Trends over time' tab and click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the Trends over time chart.
    • Columns included in this download: Review cycle, Review cycle ID, Review cycle start date, Review cycle end date, Ratings category (there's a column for each category)
  • Performance ratings trends over time/participant view report: Includes a full list of all participants that match selected filters and what performance rating category and score they received for all selected review cycles.
    • To download this report, click ... next to the 'Performance Ratings+' section of the results summary tab and select 'View all answers' from the dropdown menu. Then, open the 'Trends over time' tab and click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the individuals table.
    • Columns included in this download: Participant, Reviewer, Rating, Rating description, Overall score, Review cycle

Use the Performance Ratings+ reporting section

The Performance Ratings+ section of the results summary gives you a high-level look at the distribution of performance ratings across review cycle participants.


Possible actions in this section:

  • Use the filter at the top of the results summary page to choose the people or group you want to view results for.

  • Hover over a section of the bar to see what percentage and number of participant fall within that ratings category, as well as a description of the ratings category.
  • Click Download to download the Performance Ratings+ report, which includes the distribution of performance ratings for participants that match selected filters.
  • Click ... to the right of the performance ratings graph and select 'View score distribution' to open the Performance Ratings+ details page. This section is covered in more detail in the next section of this article.

Use the Performance Ratings+ details page

The Performance Ratings+ details page allows you to zone in on performance ratings data for review cycle participants.

There are three tabs on the question details page: Score distribution, Compare groups, and Trends over time.

  • The 'Score distribution' tab provides insight into how many people (both % and #) fall into each performance ratings category, as well as provides lists of which individuals fall into each category.
  • The 'Compare groups' tab helps you break down what ratings users in a certain group(s) received, how groups' ratings compare to those of other groups, and how groups' ratings compare to all participants. Ultimately, the Compare groups tab allows you to dig in to which groups are falling behind or leading the pack when it comes to performance ratings.
  • The 'Trends over time' tab gives you a look into what performance ratings participants received from review cycle to review cycle. Use this tab to help spot trends in performance ratings across review cycles.

Each of these tabs are covered in more detail below.

Across every tab, there's a static filter that you can use to filter results.

Filtering options

Before walking through each tab, it is important to note the filters: Groups, Review cycles, Ratings.


  • Use the Groups filter to only view performance ratings for participant belonging to certain groups/hierarchies.
  • Use the Review cycles filter to select one or more cycle, giving you a list of all performance ratings for all of the selected cycles. This allows you to review answers from more than one cycle at a time.
  • Use the Ratings filter to see only the reviews whose answer matches your selection. For example: I only want to see people who received an "Above Level" performance rating.

'Score distribution' tab

The 'Score distribution' tab provides insight into how many people (both % and #) fall into each performance ratings category, as well as provides lists of which individuals fall into each category. Contained within this tab are a distribution chart and individuals table.

Remember to use the filters at the top of the page to focus in on certain groups, review cycles, and performance ratings.

Distribution chart

The distribution chart shows what percentage of participants fell into each performance ratings category.

Possible actions in this section:

  • Ratings categories will appear red (negative) or green (positive). Click on one of the answer options to filter the 'Individuals' table below to show only people who received that answer.
  • Click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the distribution chart to download the Performance ratings score distribution report, which contains performance rating category information and how many participants (# and %) fall into each category. 

Individuals table

The individuals table shows you a list of participants and the performance rating score they received. If you filter the chart by clicking on a specific answer in the distribution table, the chart will only show participants that received that specific rating.


Possible actions in this section:

  • Click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the individuals table to download the Performance ratings score distribution/participant view report, which includes a list of all participants that received a specific performance rating.

'Compare groups' tab

The 'Compare groups' tab helps you break down what ratings users in a certain group(s) received, how groups' ratings compare to those of other groups, and how groups' ratings compare to all participants. Ultimately, the Compare groups tab allows you to dig in to which groups are falling behind or leading the pack when it comes to performance ratings. Contained within this tab are filters, a compare groups chart, and an individuals table.

Remember to use the filters at the top of the page to focus in on certain groups, review cycles, and performance ratings.



  • Use the 'View by' option to switch up the y-axis to show Managers, Hierarchies, or Group types.
  • Use the 'Sort by' option to sort the x-axis either alphabetically, from negative > positive results, or from positive > negative results.
  • Click Download to download the Performance ratings compare groups report, which includes all groups that meet selected filters and what # and % of group members fell into each ratings category.

Compare groups chart

The compare groups chart shows what percentage of the group in the y-axis received each performance rating. At the top, it shows what percentage of all review cycle participants that you have permission to view results for received each performance rating.


Possible actions in this section:

  • Hover over a color to get additional insight into how many people received that rating.

Individuals table

Last but not least, there is an Individuals list below the chart that includes all participants included in your selected group(s) and what performance ratings they received.


Possible actions in this section:

  • Use the arrows next to any column header to sort alphabetically ascending or descending.
  • Click Download to download the Performance ratings compare groups/participant view report, which includes a list of all participants that match selected filters and what performance rating and score they received.

'Trends over time' tab

The Trends over time tab gives you a look into what performance ratings participants received from review cycle to review cycle. Use this tab to help spot trends in performance ratings across review cycles.

Remember to use the filters at the top of the page to focus in on certain groups, review cycles, and performance ratings. In fact, to view trends over time, you must first select more than one review cycle using the 'Review cycles' filter at the top of the page. Please note that, to pull company-wide trends, you must be a review admin or cycle collaborator for all review cycles you select.

Trends over time chart

Each review cycle being shown will be notated on the graph using a line with a point at the top (it looks like a pin). The dates at the bottom of the graph are pulled from the cycle end date.


Possible actions in this section:

  • Hover over the point at the top of a review cycle's "pin" to see overall % stats for each cycle.
  • Click Download to download the Performance ratings trends over time report, which allows you to see how performance rating distribution changed across selected cycles.

Individuals table

The Individuals list below the chart will show all people who participated in any of the selected cycles and their performance rating for each cycle. In other words, some individuals will have multiple rows of data if they participated in multiple of the selected review cycles.


Possible actions in this section:

  • Use the arrows next to any column header to sort alphabetically ascending or descending.
  • Click Download to download the Performance ratings trends over time/participant view report, which includes a full list of all participants that match selected filters and what performance rating category and score they received for all selected review cycles.

Related articles 📖

Once you're done analyzing results in the Performance Ratings+ section, you can continue to other sections to analyze results in different ways.

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