August 2023 - 15Five releases

Engagement Homepage in 15Five

HR admins can now launch key engagement workflows from a centralized page.

Release date: August 25th, 2023
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

HR admins will now see a new homepage for Engagement within 15Five upon clicking Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation. In the past, HR admins would be guided to the Engage Portal upon opening the Engagement feature.

From this page, HR admins can launch engagement campaigns, view lists of active, upcoming, drafted, and ended campaigns, access results for ended campaigns, confirm drafted campaigns, and more.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 8.34.50 AM.png

MEI Factor Heatmap

Easily see how individual managers are performing in factors that contribute to manager effectiveness.

Release date: August 24th, 2023
Manager Effectiveness Indicator (MEI)
Plan availability:
Total Platform

A new tab is available on the Manager Effectiveness dashboard that includes a heatmap view of all the factors that are included in the MEI. This allows admins to view factor results by managers across the organization, as well as identify organization trends and groups of managers that have similar results in specific factor areas.


Help Center article 💡: Use the Manager Effectiveness Indicator

Import child objectives with different start and end dates

The objective import can now support child objectives with different start or end dates than the parent objective.

Release date: August 22nd, 2023
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

The objective import can now support child objectives with different start or end dates from the parent objective. To import, the file will include the optional columns for parent_objective_start_date and parent_objective_end_date.

Help Center article 💡: Bulk import objectives

Turnover profiles and expanded turnover timeframe configuration options

View powerful context about individuals who have turned over, and determine a timeframe for which turnover dates you want to include in your HR Outcomes configuration.

Release date: August 17th, 2023
HR Outcomes Dashboard
Plan availability:
Total Platform

You can now click on employees turned over in the Turnover scorecard to open the "Turnover details" box, which contains information about individual employees who have turned over. We also expanded the options for which turnover data can be pulled into the calculation of the Turnover metric on the HR Outcomes Dashboard. In the past, only turnover data from people who left the company in the past 30 days was pulled into the calculation. You can now select between turnover data Year to Date or the last 30, 60, or 90 days.


Help Center article 💡: Use the HR Outcomes Dashboard
Help Center article 💡: Configure the HR Outcomes Dashboard

New Transform course: Creating a Culture of Feedback

Transform customers now have access to a new course.

Release date: August 17th, 2023
Plan availability:
Transform and Transform Accelerator

In this new course, managers learn about the power of preparation and different dimensions of feedback, explore ways to identify and address biases that may distort perceptions and hinder objectivity, and address the emotional challenges of feedback and learn how cultivating a growth mindset leads to more effective feedback.

Help Center article 💡: Transform training and coaching: Overview

Nightly sync between Engage and 15Five

Data will now be synced automatically from 15Five to Engage.

Release date: August 16th, 2023
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

When changes to employee, group, and attribute data are made in 15Five, they will now be synced to the Engage Portal automatically every night. In the past, data syncs had to be performed manually in Engage. This release reduces administrative work and ensures that data is consistent when it comes time to hold engagement surveys.

View managers with the highest and lowest MEIs

See which managers have the highest and lowest MEIs so you can take action. 

Release date: August 14th, 2023
Manager Effectiveness Indicator (MEI)
Plan availability:
Total Platform

We added a new section to the 'Summary' tab of the MEI that allows you to view which managers have the highest (between 60-100) and lowest (between 0-40) MEI. We also moved the Breakdown chart to the 'Compare' tab and now provide the option to configure the chart to display specific MEI ranges.

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 11.05.21 AM.png

Help Center article 💡: Use the Manager Effectiveness Indicator

Consolidated navigation in the Engage Portal

The Engage Portal is now easier to navigate than ever!

Release date: August 4th, 2023
Engagement, Transform training & coaching
Plan availability:
Engage, Transform Accelerator, Total Platform

For this release, we consolidated the navigation in the Engage Portal to remove the sub-navigation bar and created a "Settings" button in the top, right-hand corner of the screen. You'll also now see a "Back to home" button in the top, left-hand corner of the Engage Portal that will take you back to your 15Five homepage. Open the Engage Portal to check it out!


View factor results by manager

Easily see how a manager is performing in each factor included in your company's MEI configuration.

Release date: August 3rd, 2023
HR Outcomes Dashboard & Manager Effectiveness Indicator (MEI)
Plan availability:
Total Platform

Admins can now view factor results, along with other data points related to manager effectiveness, for individual managers in the 'Compare' tab of the MEI dashboard. Click the arrow to the far right of a manager's name to open a sidebar that contains detailed information about the manager, including their factor results and HR outcomes data.

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 2.09.29 PM.png

Help Center article 💡: Use the Manager Effectiveness Indicator

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