Once the review summary has been completed for a review cycle participant, it's time for the manager to schedule a final meeting to discuss review results and share review results with them. Sharing results allows the participant to see all answers and summaries they have permission to see.* When you share review results with the participant in relation to the final meeting depends on participant and manager preference.

In this article, you will learn...

*Refer to the FAQs at the bottom of this article for more information about permissions for viewing review answers and summaries.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review® results.
👥 This article is relevant to Managers, Review admins, Cycle collaborators, and Sharing users.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

Who can share review results with a participant? 👥

The following roles can share review results with a review cycle participant:

  • The review cycle participant's manager in the review cycle
  • Any review admin
  • Any cycle collaborator in the specific review cycle
  • The participant's assigned sharing users

Read more about roles in a review cycle.



If more people need the ability to share and finalize review results, a review admin or cycle collaborator can add them to the "Who can share and finalize the reviews of [Participant]?" on the participant's Edit Individual Settings page. These individuals are called "sharing users."

When to share review results ⏱️

When you share review results with the participant in relation to the final meeting depends on participant and manager preference. There are a few options you can choose from:

  • Share results before the meeting: Select this option if you want the review cycle participant to have the opportunity to read through their review summary before meeting live. Encourage them to read the results in advance and come to the meeting ready to talk about the feedback.
  • Share results at the start of the meeting: Select this option if you want the participant to be able to access their review summary on their own as you meet live.
  • Share results following the meeting: Select this option if you want to share your screen with the participant during the final meeting, rather than giving the participant full visibility into their summary immediately.


    Depending on the review cycle settings, sharing your screen during the final meeting may not be advisable. If settings hide peer/upward feedback or identities from participants, sharing your screen could reveal this information. Consider this when deciding when to share results.

How to share review results 🧑‍💻

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in the left navigation of 15Five.
  2. From the 'Review cycles' tab, click on the name of the review cycle.
  3. You're now on the review cycle's overview page. From here, use the filters section to search for the name of the participant you want to complete a review summary for or apply filters to find them.
  4. Scroll down to 'Cycle Participants' section of the page and click on the name of the participant. Alternatively, you can click the three dots to right of the name and select "View" from the dropdown menu.
  5. You will be directed to the review cycle participant's review page, which contains all reviews written about them. Open the "Summary" tab.
  6. Look over the Summary tab to ensure that the summary is filled out. When you're satisfied, click Share review at the bottom of the page.

What happens next? 🐾

Upon sharing results with a participant, they'll be able to see all answers and summaries they have permission to see.* They will also receive both an email notification and an in-app notification letting them know. Use the sections below to see what these notifications look like.

Email notification


In-app notification

Once the participant's manager holds a final meeting to discuss review results, it's time to finalize review results.

*Refer to the FAQs at the bottom of this article for more information about permissions for viewing review answers and summaries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓

Why is the "Share review" button greyed out?

This is likely because the "Start sharing on" milestone hasn't yet begun.


If needed, a Review admin or Cycle collaborator can change the review milestone by editing cycle settings.

Will the review cycle participant be able to see answers given in the Private Manager Assessment upon sharing results?

By default, the Private Manager Assessment is never visible to the participant, even when results are shared and/or finalized. However, visibility into the PMA can be extended to a review cycle participant and/or their hierarchy as outlined in our "Manage visibility options for private manager assessments" Help Center article. This set visibility option determines whether or not the Private Manager Assessment will be shared with the review cycle participant upon clicking Share review.

What answers and summaries does a participant have permission to see?

Upon sharing results with a participant, they'll be able to see all answers and summaries they have permission to see.

Answers: By default, participants can see...

  • Self reviews: Participants can see all answers provided in their submitted self review.
  • Manager reviews: Participants can see all answers provided in submitted manager reviews unless 1) an answer was removed by a review admin, or 2) they are Private Manager Assessment answers (please refer to the previous FAQ for more information).
  • Peer and upward reviews: Participants can see all answers provided in submitted peer/upward reviews unless 1) an answer was removed by the participant's manager or a review admin, or 2) visibility settings in the review cycle prevent participants from seeing verbatim peer and/or upward feedback (please refer to the next FAQ for more information).

Summaries: Participants can see all summaries unless the author marked the summary as private.


How do I know if peer/upward feedback is hidden from (i.e. not shared verbatim with) participants?

To see if peer/upward feedback is hidden from participants, open the "Peer" or "Upward" tab (located to the left of the "Summary" tab). Next, scroll to the Review details box on the left-hand side of the page and refer to the "Transparency" section. Here, you can see whether the review writers' identities are shared or hidden from the participant, as well as if review answers are hidden from participants.

What happens if review writer submits their peer/upward review after I've already shared review results with a participant?

Assuming review cycle settings don't prevent peer/upward feedback from being shared verbatim, peer/upward reviews submitted after you've shared results will be automatically shared with the participant. This is why it's important to wait to complete review summaries and share results until all reviews, including peer or upward, are submitted. If needed, you can nudge people who haven't yet submitted their reviews.

HELP! I shared results with someone and didn't mean to/need to make changes. What should I do?

No worries- mistakes happen! Check out our "Unshare and reopen a participant's review" article to learn how to unshare review results.

Am I still required to share review results in a review cycle that only contains self reviews?

No. In a review cycle that only contains self reviews, the manager will still be able to write a review summary and finalize the review, but sharing will not be needed since there is nothing to share— notes and summaries will become visible to the participant once the review is finalized.

Am I still required to share review results in a review cycle that only contains manager reviews and in which the results are hidden from participants?

No. In a review cycle that contains manager reviews and in which results are hidden from participants, the manager will still be able to write a review summary and finalize the review, but sharing will not be needed since there is nothing to share (since results will not be shared with the review cycle participant).

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