Interact with a review cycle's Overview tab

A review cycle's Overview tab gives you a snapshot of the cycle: basic cycle & participant information, personal review to-dos, filtering options, and more. This tab looks different based on your role in the review cycle– participants can only see their own progress, Managers can see their team's progress, and Review admins/Cycle collaborators can see progress for the entire company.

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Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review®.
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

Access a review cycle's Overview tab

  1. Click on 'Best-Self Review®' from the left side navigation.
  2. Click on the name of the cycle whose Overview tab you want to access. If it's an in-progress cycle, it should appear under "Active review cycles."
  3. After clicking on the cycle name, you will automatically be taken to the Overview tab for that review cycle.

What sections appear in the Overview tab?

A review cycle's Overview tab will look different based on your role in the review cycle. Continue reading for information about each section in the Overview tab and which roles each section appears for.



Only cycle participants will see an Overview tab for a given review cycle. If a person is responsible for writing reviews in a review cycle but isn't a participant themselves, they will only see the 'Write reviews' tab.

Review cycle information

Available to: Review admins and cycle collaborators.

This section of the Overview page lists basic review cycle data including the person who created the review cycle, the start and end dates, the status (active or ended), the days remaining, the number of participants (and a clickable link into the full list of participants), and the number of review admins (and a link into the full list of review admins).


You can also see options for cycle-specific reporting by clicking Download, or click the settings gear to either edit the review cycle, clone the review cycle, or manage participants.

Review to-dos

Available to: All review cycle participants, regardless of role.

The "Review to-dos" section shows you the tasks you have left to complete in the review cycle.


Participant filter

Available to: Review admins, cycle collaborators, and managers of review cycle participants.

The filter allows you to filter the information shown in the remaining sections of the Overview tab.


Filtering options are:

  • Participant/Review writer
  • Everyone, My team, Me
  • Everyone, Group, Manager, Hierarchy


Only Review admins and Cycle collaborators will see the option to filter by "Everyone". Only Managers will see the option to filter by "My team".

Progress tracker

Available to: Review admins and cycle collaborators

The Progress tracker gives those in admin roles visibility into the progress of the review cycle. The "Total reviews submitted" percentage reflects the total number of submitted reviews out of the total number of possible reviews.


In the expandable "Review milestones" section, admins and cycle collaborators can see the due dates for steps in the review cycle, along with what percentage of specific review steps have been completed. Here, they also have the option to bulk nudge those who haven't completed a step in the review cycle.

Cycle Participants list

Available to: Review admins, cycle collaborators, and managers of review cycle participants.

The "Cycle participants" section includes a list of all review cycle participants 1) who match the filters selected in the "Participant filter" section of the Overview tab, and 2) whose submitted results a person has/will have permission to view.


Use the 'Review status filter' at the top of the page to filter the list of participants by "No reviews submitted", "Some reviews submitted", "All reviews submitted", "Results shared", "Results shared & finalized", and/or "Calibrated." If desired, once you filter this section, you can use the former "Progress tracker" section of the Overview tab to nudge only those that meet these filters to complete a certain task.

From this section, a person can click into a participant's review results by either clicking their name or the "..." to the right of the person's name and selecting 'View' from the dropdown menu. In the dropdown menu, review admins and cycle collaborators will also see an "Edit individual settings" option, which allows them to manage who is writing a review about that participant, and who that participant is writing a review about (check out our "Edit individual settings for a participant" article for more information).

My reviews

Available to: Participants who don't have administrative roles in the review cycle.



This section is only available to participants without administrative roles in a review cycle. Review admins, cycle collaborators, and managers can pull up their review results using the Cycle Participants list.

The "My reviews" section shows a review cycle participant who their manager and additional manager (if applicable) is, what their review progress looks like, and the overall status of their review (no reviews submitted, some reviews submitted, all reviews submitted, results shared, or results shared & finalized).


The numbers reflected under "Review progress" reflect how many of the total reviews queued to be written about the employee have been submitted. A participant can click their name to open the 'Write reviews' tab and access the reviews they're responsible for writing.

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