Configure Engagement feature settings

15Five's Engagement feature helps organizations measure and understand the level of engagement within their organization. Before you send out an engagement survey, it's important to configure feature settings.

In this article, you will learn how to...

  • Configure feature settings for 15Five's Engagement feature, including selecting an industry benchmark and customizing survey terminology;
  • View employee's assigned roles/results access levels and access employee settings;
  • Access bulk import so you can sync employee and group data from 15Five to the Engage Portal;
  • Turn engagement survey results on/off for specific groups and view which groups are at risk of not receiving results due to confidentiality standards;
  • Configure systems groups so you can view engagement results based on tenure, generation, and hire date.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Engagement feature settings.
👥 This article is relevant to Engagement Admins and Organization Admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform pricing packages.

Configure Engagement feature settings

  1. Click on Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. [HR Admins only] You'll land on the Engagement Overview page in 15Five. From here, click Go to Engage to open the Engage Portal.
  3. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of the Engage Portal and select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.
  4. You're now on your company's Engagement feature settings page.
    Here, you'll see five tabs: 
    • Organization settings: Manage general feature settings, including organization name, industry benchmark, notifications, results confidentiality threshold, and survey terminology.
    • Employees: Sync employee and group data from 15Five to Engage, view active employees and their roles/results access levels, and determine which employees should receive engagement surveys.
    • Survey management: Create custom surveys to include in engagement campaigns.
    • Group management: View details for groups and attributes and determine which ones you want to include in engagement campaign results, and configure systems groups so you can view engagement results based on tenure, generation, and hire date.
    • Campaign change history: View a security log of campaign-specific events.

    Continue reading for information on how to configure each of these tabs.

Organization settings

The 'Organization settings' tab is your hub for managing organization and assessment settings. Here, you'll see four dropdowns: Organization Details, Organization Notifications, Results Access, and Survey Terminology. Continue for an overview of what settings can be controlled in each of these dropdowns.

Organization Details
  • Name is the company name that's shown to all employees throughout the Engage Portal. This is a read-only field that's set in 15Five Company settings > Company name.
  • Display Name is the company name that employees will see when taking an engagement survey. This is a read-only field that's set in 15Five Company settings > Company name.
  • Industry Benchmark determines which industry your company's engagement results are compared to. Learn more about industry benchmarks.
  • Default Message Type is the default medium that will be used to notify employees at launch and throughout the engagement campaign (either Email, SMS, Email and SMS, or None)
Organization Notifications

In this tab, decide whether or not you want leaders to receive a notification when the campaign ends and the results are ready. If this option is disabled, leaders will not receive any notifications after a campaign closes.

Results Access

The 'Results Access' tab allows you to configure options for engagement campaign result confidentiality. Here, configure the following options:

  • Company-wide confidentiality rule: By default, engagement survey results are hidden for groups with fewer than five (5) survey respondents to protect employee confidentiality and data integrity. If desired, you can change the respondent minimum from 5 to either 3 or 4. Read more about confidentiality for engagement surveys.



    Although we offer the flexibility to set your confidentiality threshold to 3 or 4 respondents, we highly recommend sticking to what we call the 'Rule of 5'. This recommended policy, which prevents engagement results from being displayed for groups with fewer than five (5) survey respondents, is specifically engineered to protect respondent anonymity while also providing precise, actionable insights from your engagement surveys.

  • AI Insights: Decide whether or not leaders should have access to use AI to summarize Dynamic Feedback for an engagement campaign.
Survey Terminology

In this section, you can replace the default language 15Five uses in engagement surveys with custom terms that will appear for survey participants. Terms you can replace are:

  • organization
  • leaders
  • coworkers
  • work group
  • manager
  • employees

Click Expand below a term to see examples of how it appears in engagement surveys.

Kiosk Settings

This section will only appear if Kiosk is enabled for your organization. Kiosk in engagement surveys allows employees to use a computer or tablet to fill out their engagement survey, rather than have the survey sent to them via email or phone. When utilizing Kiosk, employees simply search for their unique engagement link using their name or an employee ID provided by leaders.

Here, you have the option to manage the following settings:

  • Obfuscate Employee Names: If this setting is on, when an employee searches, the results will not display the full name of the employee but, instead, will show J*** D (for John Doe).
  • Kiosk Group: If this setting is selected, Kiosk will only show for employees who are in a group within the group type that is selected. In addition, specific links will be provided for each of the groups within the group type. This is helpful if you want to limit the number of employees showing up in each kiosk to a location or plant.


The 'Employees' tab is where you can access bulk import and manage employee settings for Engagement. Within this section, you will see three tabs: Active, Access, and All. Continue for an overview of what settings can be controlled in each of these tabs.


Active tab

The Active tab lists all active employees that are part of your organization. In this section, you can sync employee data from 15Five to Engage, view active employees, and determine which employees should receive engagement surveys.



Employee data is managed in 15Five and, as a result, some fields may not be editable. To make changes to these fields, make the changes manually in 15Five or your people management integration (if applicable). Changes are synced to the Engage Portal from 15Five nightly.

Available actions in this section:

  • View employee information in the table.
  • Search for a specific employee or export a CSV of the employee list using the icons in the upper, right-hand corner of the page.
  • Determine whether or not a person should receive engagement surveys using the toggle under "Receiving Surveys". If the option is toggled to "No," the person will be globally excluded from receiving engagement surveys. If the option is toggled to "Yes," the person can still be excluded on a survey-by-survey basis during the process of campaign creation.
  • Open an employee's settings by clicking View to the right of their name. Learn more about managing employee settings in Engage.
  • Perform a bulk employee import from 15Five to Engage by expanding the "Bulk Employee Import" section towards the bottom of the page. Learn more about performing a bulk import.
  • View previous bulk import files by expanding the "Imported Files" section at the bottom of the page.
Access tab

The Access tab shows you who has what roles and levels of access and see when users last logged in. The table in this tab only contains people who have access to the Engage Portal (i.e. Leaders, Organization Admins, and Engagement Admins).

Available actions in this section:

  • View employee information in the table.
  • Search for a specific employee or export a CSV of the employee list using the icons in the upper, right-hand corner of the page. You can also reset access for Leaders or Organization Admins using the dropdown menu. Performing this action will reset results access for all Leaders/Organization Admins back to the Employee role, resulting in zero results access for those users.



    The "Reset Leaders/Organization Admins" option  is helpful if you're performing an audit of results access levels and want to start from scratch.

  • Open an employee's settings by clicking View to the right of their name. Learn more about managing employee settings in Engage.
All tab

The All tab shows you a full list of all employees, regardless of role and status (active/inactive).

Available actions in this section:

  • View employee information in the table.
  • Search for a specific employee or export a CSV of the employee list using the icons in the upper, right-hand corner of the page.
  • Open an employee's settings by clicking View to the right of their name. Learn more about managing employee settings in Engage.

Survey management

The 'Survey management' tab is where you can create custom surveys to add to an engagement campaign. Learn more about creating custom surveys.

Group management

The 'Group management' tab allows you to view group details and determine which group types and people attributes you want to include in engagement campaign results. Group types and groups are used to view assessment results by different employee segments.

There are two types of group types that you can view and manage in this tab: Custom and System. Continue for an overview of each of these group types and what actions can be taken in these tabs.

Custom group types

Custom group types are synced directly from 15Five: upon performing a bulk import in Engage, the Custom group tab will mirror all group types and attributes created in 15Five. In addition, some custom group types are auto-populated based on employee data, such as "Manager" and "Hierarchy," which are based on manager <> direct report relationships. Group types such as "Job title" and "Location" will appear in the Custom tab if that information is populated in 15Five employee profiles.



You cannot manage groups and attributes in the Engage Portal. Please make changes in 15Five and perform a bulk import in Engage.

Available actions in this section:

  • View custom group data in the table.
  • Determine whether or not a group should be included in engagement results using the toggle under "Include in Results."
  • View information about groups contained within a group type, by clicking View to the right of the group.
    On this page, you can access the following information:
    • View a list of group members by clicking View Members.
    • See the group's response rate from the most recent or active engagement survey in the 'Response Rate" column.
    • See whether or not the group was included in historical engagement surveys in the "History" column.
    • View confidentiality alerts for both small groups (that run the risk of not meeting confidentiality standards) and groups with less than 3-5 members (which will not meet confidentiality standards by default) in the "Alerts" column.
System group types

System groups are automatically created based on employee data provided by the organization. There are three types of system group types: Tenure, Generation, and Hire Cohort. These groups will populate based on information in 15Five employee settings.

  • Tenure groups are populated and created based on employees' hire/start date with your organization. As employees stay with the organization, they will move into different tenure bands. Including this group type in results allows you to view engagement results based on how long employees have been at your organization.
  • Generation groups are populated based on employees' birthdates and contain employees from different generations. Including this group type in results allows you to view engagement results based on generation.
  • Hire Cohort groups are populated based on employees' hire/start date with your organization. Unlike tenure groups, employees will stay in the same hire cohort group from assessment to assessment. Including this group type in results allows you to view engagement results based on when employees were hired/onboarded at your organization.

Available actions in this section:

  • View custom group data in the table.
  • Determine whether or not a group should be included in engagement results using the toggle under "Include in Results."
  • Manage Tenure system groups by clicking Manage to the right of "Hire Cohort".
    Here, you can customize the following items:
    • Name: The name column is how the group will be displayed in the assessment results. As an example, this can be updated to 0-1 year, 1-2 years, etc.

    • Duration: The duration column is where you can set what dates will be included in that group. The duration is calculated from the end date of the assessment. The duration builds on the group before it. In the example above, the first row will create a group for any employee who has a hire date between today and one year ago. The second row will create a group for any employee who has a hire date between one - two years ago.

    • Range: The range column reflects the time range included in that group based on what is set in the duration column.

    • Add an additional group: If you want to include additional tenure bands, click Add New. New tenure groups are added to the bottom of the list.

    • Delete a group: You can delete a tenure group by clicking the Delete button next to the bottom group.

  • View Generation ranges by clicking View to the right of "Generation."

    Generations are automatically generated and cannot be altered.

  • Manage Hire Cohort system groups by clicking Manage to the right of "Hire Cohort".
    Because organizations differ so greatly in their hiring practices, we do not create Hire Cohort groups automatically. You can create a group by following the steps below:
    1. Click Add New.
    2. Set an End Date for the Hire Cohort.

    3. Select a Start Date for the group.

    4. Add a label for the group in the "Name" column (e.g. H2 2023).

    5. If you need to delete a hire cohort group, you can do so by clicking on the trashcan icon.

Campaign change history

The 'Campaign change history' tab allows you to view a security log of campaign events, including campaign creation, updates, and deletion. On this page, you can see the campaign name, the person who made a change, the action they took, and the timestamp at which it was taken.


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