In this article, you will learn about the data that are included in Manager Effectiveness Indicator (MEI) calculations and how to use the resources contained in the indicator to measure, analyze, and compare manager effectiveness in your organization. The Manager Effectiveness Indicator allows you to track manager effectiveness on a consistent basis across their organization and at the manager level. The indicator uses data from 15Five to represent the behaviors and competencies of an effective manager. Account admins can configure the indicator to reflect the aspects of manager effectiveness that most align with their organization.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to HR Outcomes Dashboard.
👥 This article is relevant to roles and individuals assigned access to the Outcomes Dashboard and MEI. 
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

Access the Manager Effectiveness Indicator

  1. Click Manager Effectiveness in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. You're now on the Manager Effectiveness Indicator. Here, you'll see three tabs: Summary, Factors, and Compare.
    • The 'Summary' tab contains your organization's MEI, as well as tools that allow you to analyze your MEI— so you can take actionable steps to improve the effectiveness of your managers.
    • The 'Factors' tab contains a heatmap that allows admins to visualize results for all factors contained in the company's MEI configuration by manager.
    • The 'Compare' tab contains an MEI breakdown and manager list that provide valuable context around the current state of your managers.
  3. Continue reading for an in-depth look at how to use each of these tabs.


The MEI is calculated based on your selected configuration settings. Check out our "Configure the Manager Effectiveness Indicator" Help Center article for information and steps on how to customize your MEI configuration.

Use the 'Summary' tab

The 'Summary' tab contains your organization's MEI, as well as tools that allow you to analyze your MEI— so you can take actionable steps to improve the effectiveness of your managers.

Current MEI

The Current MEI in the top, left-hand corner of the page shows your organization's average MEI.


This MEI is calculated based on the weighting of two factors: 1) assessments of manager effectiveness and 2) behaviors in 15Five. Each of these factors includes sub-factors that can be adjusted based on your company's strategy and usage of 15Five.

MEI trend graph

The MEI trend graph allows you to track how your organization's MEI changes over time. The y-axis of the graph shows MEI, and the x-axis shows weekly dates.


  • See how much your current MEI has been impacted from the previous week in the top, right-hand corner of the MEI trend graph.
  • Hover over a dot to see the MEI for that week.


Use the MEI trend graph to regularly track your organization's MEI over time and watch how the dot moves as your organization conducts manager effectiveness initiatives.

MEI Factors Insights

The MEI Factors Insights section surfaces the highest and lowest factors included in your organization's MEI configuration that are impacting MEI. You can use this information to target efforts on the areas of manager effectiveness that have the most opportunity for your organization.


  • Hover over a factor to see what inputs are used to measure it.
Highest & lowest MEI

The "Managers with highest/lowest MEI" tables show which managers in your organization are leading the charge with regard to MEI, and which ones could use more support. 

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 11.05.21 AM.png

  • Click View all at the bottom of a table to open the Manager list in the 'Compare' tab of the MEI, which allows you to dig into how individual managers are performing in the different factors that are included in your organization's MEI.

Use the 'Factors' tab

The 'Factors' tab allows you to visualize factor results by managers across the organization. Use this tab to view factor data across managers, identify groups of managers that have similar strengths or opportunities, and identify strengths or opportunities at the organizational level.

Factor Heatmap

The Factor Heatmap shows what value range each manager is in with regard to the different factors that are used to configure your organization's MEI.


  • Hover over a factor to see what inputs are used to measure it.
  • Use the "Value range" filters at the top of the table to display results within specific ranges.




    The value range filters can help you visualize which groups of managers have similar strengths or opportunities, or identify strengths or opportunities at the organizational level. Once you identify areas of opportunity, you can launch manager-specific or organization-wide initiatives to foster growth.

  • You can see a breakdown of what statements in the manager effectiveness engagement survey are used to measure what competencies in our "Run a manager effectiveness engagement survey" article.

Use the 'Compare' tab

The 'Compare' tab contains an MEI breakdown and manager list that provide valuable context about the current state of their managers. Use this tab to see a breakdown of what MEI buckets managers are falling into, view how individual managers are performing with regard to Engagement, Performance, and Turnover, and dig into how individual managers are performing in the different factors that are included in your organization's MEI configuration.

MEI Breakdown

The breakdown table gives you a visualization of how many managers fall into MEI ranges for up to the last 12 weeks.


  • Use the "Value range" filters at the top of the table to display specific MEI ranges.
  • Hover over any color aligned with a date on the x-axis of the graph to see a full breakdown of how many managers fell into each range that week.
Manager list and details

The manager list contains information about all managers within your organization. View MEI alongside metrics for Engagement, Performance, and Turnover. Here, you can also see a manager's span of influence (how many people are under them in the hierarchy) and span of control (how many direct reports they have).


  • Click the arrow to the far right of a manager's name to open a sidebar that contains their individual factor stats.
    At the top of the sidebar, you can see how a manager is doing with factors included in your MEI configuration— allowing you to dig into areas of celebration and opportunity.
    Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 2.25.20 PM.png
    Below, you can see the manager's MEI alongside their metrics for Engagement, Performance, and Turnover.
    Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 2.25.29 PM.png
    Finally, you can see the manager's span of influence (how many people are under them in the hierarchy) and span of control (how many direct reports they have).Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 2.26.00 PM.png


If you notice that managers with a lot of direct reports have a lower MEI, it may be because they're overstretched/have too many direct reports. To help these managers be more effective, offer them more support or consider moving some of their direct reports to other teams.

Use cases and best practices

See how your initiatives are impacting manager effectiveness

As you launch manager effectiveness initiatives, such as setting clear expectations around feature usage or providing additional coaching and training, use the MEI to see how initiatives move the line for managers. This can be done using the MEI trend graph in the 'Summary' tab, which shows how your organization's overall MEI is trending, or the Factors Heatmap in the 'Factors' tab, which allows you to visualize how managers are scoring on the factors your initiatives are focused around.

Understand MEI distribution of managers across your organization, and take actionable steps
We know that all managers have different strengths and areas of opportunity. Use the 'Compare' tab to see how the MEI of managers in your organization compare to one another and identify top and bottom performers. Dig into factor data using the Factors Heatmap, which allows you to visualize factor results by managers across the organization. Consider interviewing your top managers to see what's going right and have them share best practices, or utilize them as mentors. If managers need additional training, launch initiatives to drive them up to higher levels.
You can also use the HR Outcomes Dashboard to compare MEI by teams, hierarchies, or group types— maybe the managers in a specific department lead the charge in MEI...why is that? Maybe managers who have a lot of direct reports are struggling— could it be because they're stretched too thin and that's impacting their ability to be effective? You can also use the HR Outcomes Dashboard to compare MEI with employee retention, engagement, and performance, so you can see the measurable impact that developing your managers has on business outcomes.
If managers need additional training, consider utilizing Transform Microlearning, which is included in the Total Platform plan. Transform Microlearning is a skill development resource for managers that's designed to empower HR leaders and organizations to enhance employee engagement, performance, and retention by investing in their managers through bite-sized training content. 
Prepare for data-driven discussions with managers within your organization
Do you have a manager conversation coming up? Use the MEI and HR Outcomes Dashboard to prepare for your conversation. The Manager details section of the MEI's 'Compare' tab allows you to dig into how they're performing with regard to the factors your company has chosen to include in your configuration, so you can give them concrete action items to drive their performance.
Take action on top and bottom performers
Use the MEI and HR Outcomes Dashboard to identify top performers, so you can put action plans in place to keep them. Then, identify bottom performers, so you can coach them, get them into a role that's better suited, set clearer expectations, or coach them out of the org (if they're not a good fit).
Stay relevant by re-evaluating what a "good" MEI is
Use built-in benchmarking on the MEI to see how your organization's MEI compares to companies with similar feature usage. Also, use the MEI trend graph to compare your current MEI with previous weeks. Analyze what leads to increases and decreases in your organization's MEI so you can focus your efforts for maximum impact.
Share updates during executive leadership team meetings
Regularly measure your organization's MEI and how manager-specific initiatives are moving the needle. Then, share these findings during your next executive team meeting to share the impact and plan data-driven actions your HR team can take.

What to do if your MEI is lower than expected

Review your configuration

By default, 15Five's recommended configuration is applied to your account. If your organization has some features enabled that aren't currently being utilized, or if expectations haven't been set with managers around the usage of that feature, you may want to customize the configuration to remove that feature. You can use the 'Factors' tab of the MEI to see what areas managers are scoring lowest in and either disable that factor in your MEI configuration or set clearer expectations around usage.

Gather assessment data
If you haven't run a manager effectiveness review cycle or manager effectiveness engagement survey, you cannot include the 'Manager Effectiveness Assessment' factor in your MEI calculation. If you have a review cycle or engagement cycle coming up, consider adding manager effectiveness questions so you can capture data for your calculation. If not, consider launching a stand-alone manager effectiveness review or engagement survey.
💡 Help Center article: Run a manager effectiveness review cycle
💡 Help Center article: Run a manager effectiveness engagement survey
Look at other outcomes
Use the HR Outcomes Dashboard to see how Manager Effectiveness compares to engagement or performance. This can give you a fuller picture of what may be going on with managers.
Dig into factor data
You can dig into detailed feature-specific reporting in 15Five to understand the inputs that are impacting your MEI and where there may be opportunities to improve.
  • See what behaviors in 15Five are used to calculate each factor included in your organization's MEI configuration by opening the MEI 'Summary' tab and clicking How is the MEI calculated? under your organization's MEI.
  • You can also view individual managers' factor stats on the 'Compare' tab to see how managers are performing with regard to the factors included in your company's MEI configuration. Open a manager's individual stats by clicking the arrow to the far right of their name. If managers are all scoring low in specific areas, it may be an indication that you shouldn't include that assessment or behavior to measure manager effectiveness until clearer expectations are set or training held.
Encourage training
Our Transform training content is aligned with the competencies measured in assessments. Encourage managers to utilize 15Five's microlearning courses, and invest in training and coaching for your managers. Learn more about Transform.

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