Homepage for managers

The homepage in 15Five is your one-stop destination for a people-centric and action-oriented approach to managing your team and driving business outcomes. In this article, we'll walk through the various sections of your homepage and how you can use them to streamline tasks and collaboration.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Home.
👥 This article is relevant to Managers.
📦 This feature is available in all pricing packages.

Access my homepage

  1. To access your homepage, click Home in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Your homepage contains two tabs: "My actions" and "Manage actions."
    • The "My actions" tab is a single place to keep track of the actions you need to take to be an effective manager by listing all your priorities, providing real-time insights into how your team is doing, and providing a space for facilitating asynchronous discussions with your team.
    • The "Manage actions" tab allows you to create, manage, and track actions for your team— streamlining task management and providing organization-wide clarity on priorities.


      The "Manage actions" tab is only available to skip-level managers (i.e. managers who have direct reports who are also managers).

"My actions" Overview

The "My actions" tab of manager homepages contains three sections: My team at a glance, the Actions List, and the People List. Continue reading for a deep dive into each of these sections.

👀 My team at a glance

The "My team at a glance" section helps you elevate your effectiveness as a manager with high-level insights that impact your team’s growth, performance, and engagement.


Use this section to access the following metrics for your direct reports:

  • Last 1-on-1: The last time you held a 1-on-1 with the person.


    Employees whose managers hold regular meetings with them are almost three times as likely to be engaged as employees whose managers do not hold regular meetings with them.

  • Last recognized by you: The last time you recognized the person by giving them a high five.


    Studies show that employees are more motivated to work hard when their boss shows appreciation for them.

  • Average goals on track: The average percentage of Objectives owned by the person that have an "on track" status. Employees are required to set a status for their objectives as they fill out Check-ins.


    a href="http://psycnet.apa.org/buy/2002-15790-003"Classic research shows again and again that goals are extremely effective at increasing motivation and performance in organizations— outcomes that impact your organization's bottom line.

  • Average Pulse: The average Pulse answer that the person has provided when filling out recent Check-ins. The Pulse question asks, "How did you feel at work since your last Check-in?" on a 1-5 scale.


    Research shows that it's important to become aware of when we're happy at work so we can clearly identify the type of work that makes us feel great— which is usually work that builds on our strengths. Conversely, it's important to be aware of times employees are less happy and identify the work issues and/or roadblocks employees are facing.

🎯 Actions List

The Actions List serves as a comprehensive list of things you're responsible for and enables you to work with your team to prioritize tasks, engage in impactful conversations, and remove obstacles. This section is your go-to hub for understanding where to act next to be an effective manager and consistently drive performance. You can also move in and out of live and asynchronous discussions by adding Actions directly to 1-on-1 agendas — all while keeping critical items structured, top of mind, and moving forward daily.


Three categories of Actions may appear in your Actions List: User Actions, System Actions, and Bulk Actions. Read more about these action types.

You can do the following things from your Actions List:

  • Create an action, discussion, or blocker to add to your Actions List.
  • Edit or delete an Action by clicking on the Action and using the Edit or Delete links.
  • Add an Action to your 1-on-1 agenda with the impacted person by editing the Action and clicking the "Add to 1-on-1" icon. Please note that blockers are automatically added to your 1-on-1 with your manager.
  • Comment on an Action by clicking on the Action and typing your comment in the textfield. We support rich-text formatting.
  • Mark a User Action as "Complete" by clicking the checkmark to its left. Completed actions are removed from your Actions List mainview, but can be accessed using the "Completed" filter.
  • Open a System Action in 15Five by clicking the arrow to its left. Once you complete the action in 15Five, it will be marked as "Complete" on your Actions List.
  • Filter your Actions List by type, time period, or completion status using the filters at the top of this section
  • View your Actions with a specific individual by clicking on their name in the People List section of your homepage.
  • When you're viewing Actions with a specific individual, open their profile or current 1-on-1 agenda by clicking ... in the top, right-hand corner of the Actions List.
👥 People List

The People List contains your manager, your direct reports, and anyone you've starred on your 1-on-1s page. Clicking on a person's name will filter the "My team at a glance" and "Actions List" sections of your homepage by that person.


"Manage actions" Overview

If you're a skip-level manager (i.e. you have direct reports who are managers), you have access to the "Manage actions" tab. From this page, leaders can create, manage, and track actions for their teams— streamlining task management and providing organization-wide clarity on priorities.

Available actions from this tab are:

  • Assign bulk actions to managers: Assign action items or discussions to any combination of managers in your hierarchy.
  • Assign actions to individuals: Assign action items or discussions one-off to individuals in your hierarchy.
  • Track the progress of actions: Stay on top of the progress of actions.

Watch the video below or check out "Use the Manage actions page" article to learn more about these functionalities.

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