15Five's AI Assisted Manager Reviews tool is a review-writing assistant, powered by Spark AI, that helps Managers and Additional managers write performance reviews for their direct reports. This tool uses data from across the 15Five platform to provide managers with AI-powered starting points for writing reviews— making review season easier, faster, and more fair to everyone.

In this article, you will learn how to...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review® and Spark AI.
👥 This article is relevant to Managers and Additional managers.
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

Use Spark AI to draft my manager review

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to open a review in.
  3. You're now on the review cycle's overview page. From here, open the 'Write reviews' tab at the top of the page.
  4. Click on the name of the person whose review you want to open using the "Reviews" bar on the left-hand side of the screen.
  5. Complete your manager review. With Spark AI, the following actions are available to you:
    Generate a summary of employee performance

    Spark AI thoroughly examines an employee's data for the review period, including reviews submitted about them in the current review cycle and insights from 15Five features. Using this data, it generates a summary highlighting the employee's strengths and opportunities, which managers can use to guide them as they complete their manager review.

    1. Click Summarize data in the top, right-hand corner of the manager review.
    2. The Spark AI widget will appear on the left-hand side of the page. From here, click Summarize data.
    3. Spark AI will analyze 15Five data for your direct report. Once the analysis is complete, you will see a summary that contains top strengths and opportunities for your direct report. 
    4. If you'd like, you can click Regenerate to generate a new response.
    Draft a review answer

    Using relevant data, Spark AI creates a well-rounded first draft for review questions. These AI-generated drafts provide a valuable starting point for writing performance reviews, significantly reducing the time and effort needed to draft these documents from scratch and giving managers more time to create thoughtful, constructive, and fair performance evaluations.

    1. Click the Draft an answer icon in the text field under any review question.
    2. The Spark AI widget will appear on the left-hand side of the page and begin analyzing 15Five data relevant to the question. Once the analysis is complete, Spark AI will provide an answer to the question.
    3. Click the Copy button under the generated answer to copy it to your clipboard. Or, generate a different answer by clicking Regenerate.


      As a best practice, we recommend re-wording answer drafts in your own voice and adding personal observations of the person you are writing about.

    4. You can also use the writing improvement tools at the bottom of the Spark AI widget to make the answer more concise, professional, or informal.
    Improve writing

    Spark AI assists in refining and rewording the drafted content, providing managers with a seamless and efficient way to enhance their performance reviews.

    1. Once you've provided an answer to a manager review question, click Improve writing.
    2. The Spark AI widget will appear on the left-hand side of the page and begin enhancing your original answer.
    3. Once this process is complete, click the Copy button under the generated answer to copy it to your clipboard. Or, generate a different answer by clicking Regenerate.


      As a best practice make sure to re-word drafts in your own voice and add your observations of the person you are writing about.

    4. You can also use the writing improvement tools at the bottom of the Spark AI widget to make the answer more concise, professional, or informal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why don't I see AI Assisted Reviews in my account?

There are a few reasons you may not see AI Assisted Reviews in your account:

  • Your organization isn't on a plan that includes AI Assisted Reviews: The AI Assisted Reviews tool is only available in 15Five's Total Platform pricing plan.
  • AI Assisted Reviews aren't enabled in your company account: Account admins can enable or disable the AI Assisted Reviews tool in Spark AI feature settings. Please reach out to one of your Account admins if you think you should have access but don't see the tool in your 15Five account.
  • You aren't a Manager: The AI Assisted Reviews tool is only available to Managers and Additional managers. Additionally, it is only available when writing manager or additional manager reviews (not self, peer, or upward reviews).
What information in 15Five does Spark AI use to generate answers?

Spark AI uses the following data to generate summaries and answer drafts:

  • Self and peer reviews submitted in the current cycle
  • Your direct report's 15Five data from High Fives, Wins & challenges, Objectives, Past Check-ins, Past reviews (that have been locked), Feedback, and Career Path
What other Spark AI tools exist in 15Five?

In addition to AI Assisted Reviews, Spark AI supports the following AI tools in 15Five:

  • Manager Copilot: With this tool, managers can generate a summary of how their team is doing and receive actions and best practices proven to increase employee engagement, performance, and retention.
  • Open-text feedback summaries in Engagement: With this tool, Leaders can automatically categorize and summarize open-text feedback from Engagement surveys into themes based on Engagement Drivers — saving hours and enabling leaders to quickly spot where their organization needs to take action.

Learn more about Spark AI.

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