Action Plans in 15Five are strategic plans that HR teams use to organize and measure the work you're doing to improve HR outcomes (employee performance, engagement, and/or retention) in your organization. After you create an Action Plan, you'll be taken to the plan's overview page to add actions. Actions are the tasks that, when completed, will contribute to the progress and success of the Action Plan.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to HR Outcomes Dashboard.
👥 This article is relevant to roles and individuals assigned access to the Outcomes Dashboard and MEI.
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

How to add actions to an Action Plan 🧑‍💻

  1. Click Outcomes Dashboard in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. You're now on the HR Outcomes Dashboard. From here, open the "Action Plans" tab and click on the name of the Action Plan you want to add actions to.
  3. Click Add Actions.
  4. The "Add action to action plan" form will appear on the left-hand side of your screen. From here, select an action type. Please refer to the FAQs at the bottom of this article for more information about what action types are available to assign.
  5. Designate who the action should be completed by.
    Your options are:
      • Managers and direct reports: Select this option if you only want to assign this action for managers to complete with their direct reports.
      • Anyone: Select this option if you want to assign the action to people who aren't managers.


    This step is not relevant when assigning Transform or Microlearning courses, as those actions can only be assigned to managers.

    • Provide a title & description for your action.
    • Select a start date and due date for the action.
    • Next up, it's time to select the individuals you want to assign the action to. The process in this step will differ based on the option you selected in step #5.


      There are two roles that you'll notice as you assign actions: Action owners and People shared with (previously referred to as "impacted people"). Please refer to this article to learn more about what these roles mean.

      • If you selected "Managers and direct reports" in step #5, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners. The following options are available are you manage Action owners:
        Add additional Action owners

        By default, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners. However, you can easily add additional individuals as Action owners by clicking into the search bar and typing the person's name.


        You can also use the "All managers" Quick Assign option to assign the action to all managers in your organization (not just those who are managers of people in the Action Plan's target group!).

        Remove an Action owner*

        By default, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners. However, there may be times when an action isn't relevant to a specific individual. In this case, you can remove that person as an Action owner by clicking the X to the right of their name.


        Include the action in 1-on-1 agendas

        If you'd like the action to be automatically added to 1-on-1 agendas between assignees and individuals designated in the "People shared with" section, check the box next to "Include in 1-on-1 agenda." Learn more about the "Action owner" and "People shared with" roles.


        Hide the action from direct reports

        By default, actions will be assigned to both Assigned owners and individuals designated in the "People shared with" section. If you want the action to only be visible to assigned owners and be hidden from individuals designated in the "People shared with" section, check the box next to "Hide from direct reports." Learn more about the "Action owner" and "People shared with" roles.


        Add a person to the "People shared with" section

        Adding a person to an Action owner's "People shared with" section denotes that the action should be completed by the Action owner in collaboration with that individual. By default, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners and their direct reports are added in the "People shared with" section.

        To add an additional person to this section, click the icon to the right of the Action owner's name.


        From here, use the search bar to find the person you want to add to the "People shared with" section, meaning that the Action owner is responsible for completing the assigned action with that individual. You'll also see the options to Quick Assign either 1) all of the person's direct reports who are included in the Action Plan's target group (which is the default setting), or 2) all of the person's direct reports, regardless of whether or not they're in the Action Plan's target group.


        This flexibility helps ensure that the right people are taking action with the right people to help you reach your goals. 🎯 Learn more about the "Action owner" and "People shared with" roles.

        Remove a person from the "People shared with" section

        By default, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners and their direct reports are added in the "People shared with" section.

        That said, there may be times that an action isn't relevant to specific individuals. In this case, you can remove that person from the "People shared with" section by clicking the arrow to the left of the Action owner's name and then clicking the to the right of the individual you want to remove from the "People shared with" section.


        This flexibility helps ensure that the right people are taking action with the right people to help you reach your goals. 🎯 Learn more about the "Action owner" and "People shared with" roles.



        The options available to you when assigning Transform or Microlearning courses are denoted above with an asterisk (*). 

      • If you selected "Anyone" in step #5, no one is assigned as an Action owner by default. The following options are available are you manage Action owners:
        Add additional action owners

        You can easily add individuals as Action owners by clicking into the search bar and typing the person's name.  


        You can also use Quick Assign options to assign the action to 1) everyone in the Action Plan's target group, 2) all managers of people in the target group, or 3) all managers in your organization (not just those who are managers of people in the Action Plan's target group!).

        Remove an Action owner

        If you need to remove someone as Action owner, simply click the X to the right of their name.


        Add a person to the "People shared with" section

        Adding a person to an Action owner's "People shared with" section denotes that the action should be completed by the Action owner in collaboration with that individual.

        To add a person to this section, click the icon to the right of the Action owner's name.


        From here, use the search bar to find the person you want to add to the "People shared with" section, meaning that the Action owner is responsible for completing the assigned action with that individual.


        When adding people to a manager's "People shared with section," you'll also see the options to Quick Assign either 1) all of the person's direct reports who are included in the Action Plan's target group (which is the default setting), or 2) all of the person's direct reports, regardless of whether or not they're in the Action Plan's target group.

        This flexibility helps ensure that the right people are taking action with the right people to help you reach your goals. 🎯 Learn more about the "Action owner" and "People shared with" roles.

        Remove a person from the "People shared with" section

        The "People shared with" section contains  individuals with whom the Action Owner is expected to collaborate to complete the action. This field is optional.

        If you need to remove someone from the "People shared with" section, click the arrow to the left of the Action owner's name and then clicking the to the right of the individual you want to remove from the "People shared with" section.


        This flexibility helps ensure that the right people are taking action with the right people to help you reach your goals. 🎯 Learn more about the "Action owner" and "People shared with" roles.



      As you assign actions, managers with direct reports in the Action Plan's target group are clearly designated by stars displayed to the right of their names.

    • Click Next: Preview to open the action summary. Review the information contained in the summary to ensure that the action is configured correctly.
    • When you're ready, click Add actions.

    What happens next? 🐾

    After clicking Add Actions, the action you created will appear on the Action Plan Overview page. Repeat the steps in this article as needed to add additional actions to your Action Plan.


    When you're done adding actions, you may choose to share the plan with colleagues for their feedback. This collaborative step ensures that your plan is well-rounded and tailored to your team's unique challenges and goals. From there, it's time to launch the Action Plan.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓

    What types of actions can I assign as part of an Action Plan?

    When assign an action as part of an Action Plan, you can select from the following action types:

    • Action Item: Assign a task for individuals to complete.
    • Discussion: Assign a talking point for individuals to discuss in 1-on-1 meetings or async.
    • Coaching Session: Assign the task of scheduling a 1:1 coaching session, which managers will complete with one of 15Five's certified coaches. Please note that 1-on-1 coaching sessions are a paid service.
    • Complete Course: Assign a course for managers to take from Transform's on-demand course library.
    • Complete Microlearning: Assign a Microlearning for managers to take from our on-demand Microlearning course library. Microlearnings are bite-sized training content designed to help managers master skills necessary to enhance employee engagement, performance, and retention on their teams.
    • Create Objective (Company, Group, Individual, or Self-Development): Assign the task of creating an OKR (Objective and Key Results).
    • Give Individual High Five: Assign the task of giving a high five.
    How do I purchase 1:1 coaching sessions?

    1:1 coaching sessions can be purchased for individuals in companies on any pricing plan; to do so, an Account admin can reach out to your 15Five Account Executive (AE).

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