View my received feedback

You've sent off a feedback request, and now it's time to check out the feedback that you are getting back from your teammates. You will get an in-app and email notification when your teammate(s) have submitted their feedback.

In this article, you will learn...


View responses to a feedback request

  1. Click on Feedback from 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. On the 'Request Feedback' page, you will see a list of all feedback that you have requested and have responded to. To see only the feedback you have received, use the filters to select your name and sent.
    Each feedback request has the permission details at the bottom, as well as the status of the incoming feedback. For example: 'Awaiting responses', or if feedback has been submitted, the feedback will be displayed. 
  3. To view responses to a specific feedback request, click ... to the right of the feedback and then click View full feedback.Screen_Shot_2021-04-16_at_2.05.13_PM.png
    Use this feedback to shape a self-development objective, create a priority, or add to your 1-on-1 agenda. Refer back to this feedback anytime for a refresher of your strengths and where you still have room to grow. 🌱


If you want to print a specific feedback request and its responses, use "command+p" or "ctrl+p". The preview and print will be a copy of what you see on your screen.

Share feedback with my manager

When you requested feedback, you had an option to share the feedback you receive with your manager. If you didn't share it initially, you can share it after the fact.

Click ... to the right of the feedback you want to share with your manager and select 'Share with my manager' from the dropdown menu.


If your manager changes at any point in the future, you can also share the results of any feedback request with your new manager by following the steps above.

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