Default visibility & options across 15Five features



 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 Visibility option 2

 Check-in -   General
 ***Visibility can be any combination of the options listed on the right.

Hierarchy visibility

Visible to your manager, your manager's manager, and so on up the reporting line 

Account admins do not have visibility into all Check-ins by default.

However, any account admin that also has "Global viewer" permissions will be able to see all Check-ins.

Allow additional people to view your Check-in by adding them as a follower


Request to follow someone else's Check-in

These options can be enabled by the reporter themselves.

Allow additional people to view other's Check-ins by enabling Group View or enabling Group Drill-down.

These options can only be enabled by the group admin or an account administrator.

 Pulse score

Hierarchy visibility

Pulse scores are visible to all account admins via Reporting.

Any added visibility using options in row 3.  
 Pulse comments

Hierarchy visibility

Account admins do not have default visibility into Pulse comments.

Any added visibility using options in row 3. In addition to settings from row 3, there is the option to make answers private to immediate manager using the lock icon.

Hierarchy visibility

Account admins do not have default visibility into Priorities.

Any added visibility using options in row 3. In addition to settings from row 3, there is the option to make answers private to immediate manager using the lock icon.
 Question & Answers

Hierarchy visibility

Account admins do not have default visibility into answers.

Any added visibility using options in row 3. In addition to settings from row 3, there is the option to make answers private to immediate manager using the lock icon.
 High Fives (given from the Check-in)


Visible to the entire company via High Five feed


Make the High Five private to the recipient using the private High Five option.





 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 1-on-1 agenda Private between the two people in the 1-on-1.  
 Talking points Only visible to the two people in the 1-on-1. Option to make talking points private to the person who added them using the lock icon.
 Action items Only visible to the two people in the 1-on-1. Option to make action items private to the person who added them using the lock icon.
 Shared notes Only visible to the two people in the 1-on-1.  
 Private notes Only visible to the person who wrote the notes.  


High Fives


 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 From the Check-in


Visible to the entire company via High Five feed


Make the High Five private to the recipient using the private High Five option.

 From the High Five Feed


All High Fives given here will always be public.



Request Feedback


 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 Feedback Request

Private between feedback requester and responder(s).

Account admins do not have visibility into feedback requests.

Responders do not have visibility into feedback other than their own.

Requester can choose to share feedback with their immediate manager.




 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 Visibility option 2

 Creating   objectives


Visible to the entire company via All objectives page

Follow 15Five permissions

Visible to everyone who can see the objective owner’s Check-ins (see the first row on this page).

Private to specific groups and individuals

Visible to the objective owner's reviewer, key result owners, and anyone else the owner has added to see the objective.


Best-Self Review®


 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 Visibility option 2

 General visibility of submitted reviews

Hierarchy visibility

Participant's hierarchy and review admins

Basic visibility

Participant's immediate manager and review admins only

 Peer review   answer   transparency


Participants will see all peer review answers verbatim.


Participants will only see a summary of peer review answers written by their manager.

See row 33.
 Peer identity   transparency


Peer identities are transparent to participants, managers, and review admins.

Everyone except for the participant

Peer identities are transparent to managers, review admins, etc, but not visible to the participant.

No one
Peer identities are fully anonymous to everyone.
 Upward review   answer   transparency


Managers will see all upward review answers verbatim.


Managers will only see a summary of upward review answers written by their manager.

See Release peer and upward feedback row too.
 Upward review   identity   transparency


Direct report identities are transparent to participants, managers, and review admins.

Everyone except for the manager

Direct report identities are transparent to the manager's manager, review admins, etc, but not visible to the manager themselves.

No one

Direct report identities are fully anonymous to everyone.

 Release peer   and upward   feedback All peer and upward answers will be shared and no answers can be removed. Review admins can remove individual answers from a peer or upward review before the results are shared. Review admins and/or managers can remove individual answers from a peer or upward review before the results are shared.
 Peer Only   review cycle   visibility Hierarchy, review admins, and cycle collaborators (if exists) Manager, review admins, and cycle collaborator (if exists)  




 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

 Engagement+ Survey   results

***Identities in Engagement+ are always anonymous!

Admin only

Results visible to account admins only.

Admin and manager

Account admins have full visibility into all results. Managers can view the results of their direct reports and hierarchy.


Account settings (personal information)


 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

Custom Attributes

***Visibility is set by account admins when creating the attribute

Visible to each individual and account admins Visible to each individual, their hierarchy, and account admins


Profile page


 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

About tab


Visible to the entire company

Option to make answers private to immediate manager using the lock icon.
 Career vision - Job title, Job description, & Strengths


Visible to the entire company

 Career vision - Aspirational job title & Description Visible to you and your immediate manager only  
 Activity tab

Visible to anyone that can see your Check-in

See row the first row on this page.

 Wins & Challenges tab

Visible to you only

Managers have their own Wins & Challenges tab for you that only they can see.





 Default visibility

 Visibility option 1

Pulse Hierarchy visibility + account admins Can be limited to just account admins via settings.
Pulse Comments Hierarchy visibility May be visible to more people depending on Check-in visibility.
Submitted Check-ins Hierarchy visibility + account admins  
Reviewed Check-ins Hierarchy visibility + account admins  

Hierarchy visibility + global viewers

Account admins who do not have visibility into Check-ins will only see % answered.


Hierarchy visibility + global viewers

Account admins who do not have visibility into Check-ins will only see % completed and % carried over.

1-on-1s Hierarchy visibility + account admins see stats only.  
Objectives Depends on the objective's visibility settings  

Hierarchy visibility + global viewers see metric and optional comments.

Account admins who do not have visibility into Check-ins will only see metric data.


Hierarchy visibility + global viewers see metric and optional comments.

Account admins who do not have visibility into Check-ins will only see metric data.

Custom Reports Follows visibility rules for each feature listed above.  
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