Configure Features Overview settings

The "Features Overview" section in 15Five provides a birdseye view of what features are enabled for your organization and allows you to manage select settings. While there are a number of feature settings that appear on this page, we recommend only configuring Smart Groups, Permissions, and Attributes from the Features Overview section. Other feature-specific settings should be managed from their feature-specific settings page.

In this article, you will learn:

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Features Overview settings.
👥 This article is relevant to Account admins.
📦 This feature is available in all pricing packages.

Manage Features Overview settings

  1. Click on the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of 15Five.
    Open Settings.png
  2. Select 'Features' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click 'Features overview'.
  4. You will see a list of settings, organized by feature. As mentioned in this article's introduction, this page provides a birdseye view of what features are enabled for your organization. From this page, you can configure the following settings:
    Smart Groups

    15Five's "Smart Groups" feature creates manager-specific groups that automatically update as direct reports are moved between managers. By enabling Smart Groups, you can reduce the burden of manual group management and ensure that teams are always up-to-date. Learn more about Smart Groups.

    Follow the steps below to configure Smart Groups:

    1. In the 'Check-in' section, scroll down to 'Smart Groups' and toggle the button to "On".
    2. Click 'Configure' to the right of 'Smart Groups'.
    3. You're now on the 'Configure Smart Groups' page, which allows you to configure the settings below. Click the arrow to the right of a setting to expand and configure options. Remember to click Save after changing settings.
      • Show all Smart Groups to admins: This setting allows account admins to see and manage Smart Groups from the "Manage groups" page, like they can with other groups. We suggest toggling this feature on so account admins have visibility into group settings, Check-in questions, etc.
      • @mentioning Smart Groups in High Fives: This setting allows anyone in the company to @mention a Smart Group in their High Fives. Enabling @mentions for Smart Groups can help facilitate recognition and comradery amongst teammates.
      • Disable Smart Groups: This option removes Smart Groups from appearing anywhere in 15FIve. Only enable this option if you do not want to utilize Smart Groups.

    The "Permissions" section allows you to configure various permissions across 15Five.

    Follow the steps below to configure these permissions:

    1. Scroll down to the "Permissions" section.Permissions-Configuration-Section.png
    2. In this section, you have the ability to configure Direct access from email, Mentions, and Followers, each of which is explained below. Click Configure to the right of a setting to open options. Remember to click Save after changing settings.
      • Direct Access from EmailIn this section, you can allow users in your organization to access 15Five directly from their email notifications without requiring them to sign in. If enabled, instead of users having to log in when clicking links in emails from 15Five, they will be taken directly to the link in 15Five, allowing them to take quick action.
      • Mentions: In this section, you can enable @all mentions (which allow users in your organization to @mention everyone in the organization in Check-ins and High Fives) and/or @group mentions (which allow users in your organization to @mention specific groups in Check-ins and High Fives).
      • FollowersThis setting controls whether or not a user can send a follow request to another team member and, once approved, gain visibility into their Check-ins.
    Demographic Attributes

    Only HR admins will see this option. Demographic attributes in 15Five allow HR admins to report on key employee trends through the lens of their workforce’s demographics (Birthdate, Ethnicity, Gender, Race, and Salary). Breakdowns by demographics and key defining characteristics of an employee are critical to helping people leaders uncover and address problems within their company before they become too big to solve.

    Follow these steps to enable Demographic Attributes:

    1. Scroll to the "People Attributes" section and turn on the 'Demographic Attributes' toggle.
    2. A popup will appear asking you to confirm that you have read, understand, and consent to 15Five's Master Subscription Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Data Policy Processing Agreement, amongst other things.
    3. If you agree, check the boxes and click Enable demographic data. Demographic Attributes are now enabled for your company.
    4. Once enabled, you can populate Demographic Attributes by clicking Configure to the right of "Demographic Attributes."

    How demographic attributes work with different features

  5. With the exception of Smart Groups, Permissions, and Attributes, all feature-specific settings on the Features Overview page are also located on their respective feature settings page. Please refer to the articles below for steps on how to configure settings for these features:

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