Manage Check-in questions

πŸ‘₯ Account administrators can create questions for anyone, group admins can create questions for group members, and managers can create questions for their direct reports. It is not possible for an individual to create a question for themselves.

At 15Five, we believe that questions are at the core of meaningful conversations. This article walks through how to manage Check-in questions for your organization, opening the door for important conversations and data collection that will help you gain important insights, empower your employees, and propel your business forward.

In this article, you will learn how to...



If you'd like to create a queue of rotating questions for your organization, group, or team, check out our "Create and manage a Question queue" Help Center article.

Are you more of a visual learner? Check out our video on creating Check-in questions ⬇️


Create a new Check-in question



We suggest asking no more than 5 questions on a person's Check-in to keep it lightweight. Keep this in mind when adding additional company-wide, group, and individual questions. You can see a list of all questions that appear or will appear on a person's Check-in for a specific Check-in period using question preview.

  1. Click on the "Settings" gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select "Check-in questions" from the dropdown.
  3. Click on the Create a new question button at the top right of your screen.
  4. Select your question audience. You can choose from three options: Company-wide, Group, or Person.
    • Company-wide: These questions are asked to everyone. Only account administrators can add company-wide questions.
    • Group: These questions are asked to the members of selected groups. Account administrators, direct managers, and group administrators can ask group questions. 
    • Person: These questions are asked to specific people. Account administrators and direct managers can ask person-specific questions. Please note, it is not possible for an individual to create a question for themselves.
  5. Select a question type. You can choose from five options: Text, Yes/No, Numerical, Rating scale, or Question bank.
    • Text: These are regular, plain text questions with no formatting.
    • Yes/No: Yes / No questions allow for a simple "yes" or "no" response.
    • Numerical: Numerical questions are quantitative (i.e. answered with a number).
    • Rating scale: Rating scale questions are answered on a set scale, up to 10. Rating scale questions.
    • Question bank: Selecting this option will redirect you to our Question bank, a list of questions handpicked by the experts at 15Five to help you generate innovative solutions, uncover hidden roadblocks, build a great culture, and more. Read more in our "Get inspired with our Question bank" Help Center article.


    Text and Question bank questions can be reported on using the Questions dashboard after answers have been submitted. Yes/No, Numerical, and Rating scale questions are considered "metric" questions and can be reported on using the Trends dashboard and/or Polls dashboard after answers have been submitted.

  6. Add your question. Type out your question in the 'Question' field. If desired, add a description to the question (which will appear under the question on Check-ins). Refer to the preview box on the right to see how the question will look to people as they fill out their Check-in.
  7. Set question context settings. Choose whether or not you want the question author, frequency, and/or audience to appear under the Check-in question as people fill out their Check-ins. Here's an example of what it would look like to enable the 'frequency' and 'audience' options:
  8. Select how often you'd like the question to be asked. Should this question be shown in every Check-in, only once, or on a set schedule?
    • Show in every Check-in: The question will appear on all Check-ins for every reporting period, regardless of their frequency.
    • This is a one-time question: You will see the option to add the question for the current reporting period or the following reporting period.
    • Schedule this question: Additional options will expand asking you how often you want the question to appear. Options are weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly.


    If you add a question for the current reporting period, it will appear immediately on all unsubmitted Check-ins. For the question to appear on a person's submitted Check-in, they must reopen the Check-in for editing.

  9. Select desired question settings. You can choose to make the question optional, allow multiple answers, or even post it to Slack.
    • 'Required questions' option: If you check the Required question box, people will be required to answer this question before they can submit their Check-in.
    • 'Allow multiple answers' option: If you check the Allow multiple written answers box, people will be able to give more than one answer to the question. This is only relevant for text questions.
    • 'Include an optional written answer' option: If you check the Include an optional written answer box, people will be able to submit a written (qualitative) answer in addition to their yes/no, numerical, or rating scale answer.
    • 'Share answers on Slack' option: If you check this box, you will be prompted to provide the name of the Slack channel you want to push answers given for this question to. All answers given to this question will post to that Slack channel. You will only see this option if your company has set up the 15Five <> Slack integration.
  10. Click Create new question.

Edit, deactivate, delete, or reactivate a Check-in question

  1. Click on the "Settings" gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select "Check-in questions" from the dropdown menu.
  3. You are now on the "Manage questions" page. From here, click '...' next to the question you want to edit, and select the desired option from the dropdown menu.
  4. Edit question. Selecting 'Edit question' will open question settings. Simply make desired edits, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save changes.


    If you edit a question, you will no longer be able to see answers given to the previous question in Check-in Reporting. If you still want to be able to see and report on previous answers, we suggest creating an entirely new question, rather than editing it.

  5. Deactivate question. Selecting 'Deactivate question' will remove it from Check-ins and move the question to the 'Inactive Questions' section of the "Manage questions" page. The "deactivate" option is not available for one-time questions. 
  6. Delete question. Selecting 'Delete question' will opens a popup like the one below. If you agree with the popup messaging, click Delete question. We suggest only deleting questions that no one has answered, as deleted questions will no longer appear on the "Manage people" page and can no longer be reported on in Check-in Reporting.
  7. Activate question. If at any point you want to reactivate an inactive question, you can do so by locating it in the 'Inactive Questions' section, clicking '...' to the right of the question, and selecting 'Activate question' from the dropdown menu. The question will reappear in the section it was deactivated from.

Check out these additional resources ⬇️

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