January 2024 - 15Five releases

It's a new year, and we're excited to share the exciting product updates we released in January— from AI Assisted Reviews, to performance review reporting enhancements, to the ability to include Luminary Content in manager learning journeys! Check out our Release Roundup video or dive into individual releases below ⬇️

AI Assisted Manager Reviews

Managers can now use built-in AI to make the review-writing process easier, faster, and more fair for everyone.

Release date: January 31st, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Total Platform

15Five's AI Assisted Reviews tool is a review-writing assistant, powered by Spark AI, that helps Managers and Additional managers write performance reviews for their direct reports. This tool uses data from across the 15Five platform to provide managers with AI-powered starting points for writing reviews— making review season easier, faster, and more fair for everyone.


This tool helps managers with the following aspects of writing manager reviews:

  • Summarizing Performance Data: Spark AI thoroughly examines an employee's data for the review period, including reviews submitted about them in the current review cycle and insights from 15Five features. Using this data, it generates a summary highlighting the employee's strengths and opportunities, which managers can use to guide them as they complete their manager review.
  • Drafting review answers: Using relevant data, Spark AI creates a well-rounded first draft for review questions. These AI-generated drafts provide a valuable starting point for writing performance reviews, significantly reducing the time and effort needed to draft these documents from scratch and giving managers more time to create thoughtful, constructive, and fair performance evaluations.
  • Improving writing: Spark AI assists in refining and rewording the drafted content, providing managers with a seamless and efficient way to enhance their performance reviews.

Learn more ⬇️

Help Center article 💡: AI Assisted Reviews: Overview
Help Center article 💡: Use Spark AI to draft my manager review
Help Center article 💡: Configure Spark AI feature settings

Add luminary content to custom learning tracks

Transform tracks can now include luminary content in addition to in-house Transform content.

Release date: January 25th, 2024
Plan availability:
Transform and Transform Accelerator

Learning journeys in 15Five help managers develop the skills they need to be more effective. Journeys are made up of "tracks": collections of topics whose purpose is to drive a specific goal. With this release, admins can add luminary content to custom tracks.

Luminary content in Transform is professional development content from thought leaders who defined their categories. 15Five luminary content is curated against the specific skillsets managers need to improve performance, engagement, and retention. Featured Luminaries include Marshall Goldsmith, Ellen Burts-Cooper, Michael Roberto, Jason Patent, Ann Herrmann-Nehdi, Debbye Turner Bell, and more! Managers can also access luminary content on-demand.


Help Center article 💡: Add luminary content to a custom track
Help Center article 💡: Create and manage learning journeys

Download a person's review results from their account settings

HR admins can now download review results for all cycles a person has participated in with the click of a button.

Release date: January 24th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

For this release, we added a button to users' account settings pages that allows HR admins to download cycle-specific results reports for all review cycles a person has participated in. This makes it easier to document how a person was rated in review cycles.


Help Center article 💡: Download a person's Best-Self Review® results history

New audit log report for Best-Self Review®

Review admins and Cycle collaborators can now access a log that allows them to see security events that occur in a review cycle.

Release date: January 24th, 2024
Feature: Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

The new Best-Self Review® audit log gives Review admins and Cycle collaborators visibility into security events that occur in a review cycle (including adding/removing participants and admins). In the log, you can see the security event, who performed the event, and the date and time it was performed.


Help Center article 💡: Available downloads in Best-Self Review®

Visibility into drafted review progress

Review admins and Cycle collaborators can now see who has started drafting reviews for individuals in a Best-Self Review® cycle.

Release date: January 23rd, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

When a review writer starts writing their review but doesn't submit it, it is considered "in draft." Up until now, leaders couldn't see whether or not a review writer had started drafting a review of a cycle participant. With this release, Review admins and Cycle collaborators can see if a review is in draft by downloading the cycle's "Participants progress tracker" or "Review writers progress tracker" reports.




Review admins and Cycle collaborators cannot see the content of drafted reviews. Until a review is submitted, only the review writer can see the content of their drafted review.

Help Center article 💡: Available downloads in Best-Self Review®

The HR Admin role now includes engagement permissions

The HR Admin role has been updated to include Engagement admin permissions including creating surveys and results visibility.

Release date: January 18th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

In the past, the HR Admin role could view and manage demographic attributes and run reports that contain demographic information. With this release, we've granted HR admins additional administrative permissions in Engagement that allow them to manage Engagement feature settings, create and manage engagement campaigns, and view all engagement survey results. Only Account admins can be appointed as HR admins.

Help Center article 💡: Manage HR admins
Help Center article 💡: Roles and permissions in 15Five

Include multiple tracks in a learning journey

Admins can now include multiple tracks in manager learning journeys.

Release date: January 17th, 2024
Plan availability:
Transform and Transform Accelerator

Learning journeys in 15Five help managers develop the skills they need to be more effective. Previously, you could only include one "track"— a collection of courses— in a journey. With this release, you can add multiple tracks to a learning journey, making it easier to include extra courses as needed. For instance, you can add tracks aligned with review data or engagement survey feedback.


Help Center article 💡: Create and manage learning journeys
Help Center article 💡: Create and manage custom tracks

Search available courses as you create a custom track

We added search functionality that makes it easier to find relevant course content as you create custom tracks.

Release date: January 17th, 2024
Plan availability:
Transform and Transform Accelerator

As admins create tracks— collections of course content— to assign to managers in learning journeys, they now have the option to search topics by keywords, making it easier to find courses that are aligned with learning outcomes.


Help Center article 💡: Create and manage custom tracks

Add an optional comment when acknowledging review results

Review participants can now add a text comment when acknowledging their review results.

Release date: January 17th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

When enabled, the "Review Acknowledgement" setting in Best-Self Review® feature settings allows participants to sign off on their review results following a final meeting with their manager. With this release, employees have the option to provide a text comment when they acknowledge their results.


Help Center article 💡: Acknowledge my review results

New Microlearning course: Prioritizing Goals for Increased Productivity

Managers have access to a new Microlearning.

Release date: January 11th, 2024
Plan availability:
Total Platform

Learn how to optimize your productivity by focusing on the tasks that matter most to the achievement of your goals. In this microlearning, we explore various prioritization frameworks, including the Eisenhower Matrix, Effort vs. Impact, Pareto Analysis, and the "One Thing" method.

Help Center article 💡: Learn with Transform Microlearning

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