July 2024 - 15Five Releases

The HR Outcomes Dashboard is the new home for all reporting 📊

Feature reporting has moved to a new home!

Release date: July 31st, 2024
Plan availability:
All Pricing Plans

In the past, feature-specific reporting was accessible from the Reporting tab in 15Five's main navigation. With this release, you'll access reporting by clicking on Outcomes Dashboard in the main nav, then "Platform Reports" in the top navigation. If your organization isn't on 15Five's Total Platform package, you can access feature reporting by clicking Dashboard in 15Five's main navigation.




Reporting for engagement surveys and review cycles is still located within those specific features— the reason being that each individual survey/cycle has its own reporting dashboard.

1:1 Coaching Session Pages for Managers & Coaches

Managers assigned 1:1 coaching sessions now have access to a details sessions page to set intentions and record notes.

Release date: July 19th, 2024
Plan availability:
Transform: 1:1 Coaching Sessions

1:1 coaching is a partnership between a manager and one of 15Five’s certified coaches, focused on the manager's individual goals. The new designated session page in 15Five includes details on the coach, focus areas, outcome impact goals, and note-taking features, ensuring both managers and coaches are well-prepared. This integration enhances the effectiveness of coaching by clearly linking desired outcomes and skills development directly within the platform.

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Help Center article 💡: Schedule an assigned 1:1 coaching session

Manager Effectiveness Dashboard now accessible from within the HR Outcomes Dashboard

You can now easily access this vital data from the "Manager Effectiveness" scorecard.

Release date: July 15th, 2024
Manager Effectiveness Indicator
Plan availability:
Total Platform

Here at 15Five, we recognize that manager effectiveness is a huge driver of HR Outcomes (employee engagement, performance, and retention). To emphasize this connection, we removed Manager Effectiveness from the main navigation and made it accessible by clicking "Explore this data" in the Manager Effectiveness scorecard. In future releases, we will continue developing the HR Outcomes Dashboard (HROD) into your centralized hub for all reporting.


Help Center article 💡: Use the Manager Effectiveness Indicator

Improvements to handling and tracking review acknowledgement

New enhancements encourage participants to acknowledge their reviews and give admins better visibility on acknowledgments.

Release date: July 9th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

We’ve introduced enhancements that make it easier for participants to acknowledge reviews. Participants will now be assigned an action item and receive an in-app and email notification with links to acknowledge their review results. If a review cycle participant still hasn’t acknowledged their results 48 hours after their results are finalized, they'll also receive a nudge email reminding them to do so.


We also added a new sortable column to the Participants list on the review cycle's Overview tab that allows review admins to see whether or not a participant has acknowledged their results.

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Help Center article 💡: Acknowledge my review results
Help Center article 💡: Interact with a review cycle's Overview tab

Text responses available in calibration sessions

Easily see open-text responses provided to manager review answers from within a calibration session.

Release date: July 9th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

With this release, you can click any answer cell in a calibration session to open a drawer containing the text response provided by the participant's manager(s). You can also view all manager responses given about a participant by clicking the participant’s name and navigating to the "Responses" tab.


Help Center article 💡: Hold a calibration session

Custom user attributes available in calibration sessions

Reference an employee's assigned attributes from within a calibration session.

Release date: July 9th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform and Total Platform

This release allows you to see a user's assigned custom attributes in the "General details" tab of the Participant Details drawer. Any custom user attributes your organization has created are eligible to be included, including those sourced from your HRIS.

Calibrating often requires employee data like current employee level, last promotion date, et cetera— most of which comes from your integrated HRIS. If your organization has set those attributes to map from your HRIS to 15Five as custom attributes, they can now be displayed during a calibration session.

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 3.57.49 PM.png

Help Center article 💡: Hold a calibration session

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