This article walks through how to update account settings for an individual. A person's account settings include their direct manager name, email address, Check-in frequency/due day, deactivating an account, managing custom attributes, and much more.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Manage people.
👥 This article is relevant to Account admins (can manage everyone's account settings) and Managers (can manage their hierarchy's account settings).
📦 This feature is available in all pricing packages.



If your organization uses a third-party integration to sync user information to 15Five, some fields will not be editable in 15Five. Please make changes to grayed-out fields in your integration and 15Five will reflect those changes upon the next sync.

Access a person's account settings

  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'People' from the dropdown menu.
  3. You'll land on the 'Manage people' page. From here, use the filters or search bar at the top of the page to search for the person whose settings you want to edit.
  4. Click a person's name to open their account settings page.
  5. There are 4 sections that may appear on a person's account settings page: Personal information, Private attributes, Account settings, and Export data. Read more about the information that you can control in these sections below:
    Personal information
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Hire date
    • Termination date
    • Preferred name: The name the employee wants to be referred to by. This name will replace their first name throughout 15Five.
    • Pronouns: The pronouns the employee identifies with. These pronouns will also appear on the employee's profile page, which can be viewed by anyone in your organization.
    • Job title
    • Career path
    • Employee ID
    • Email
    • Password
    • Location
    • Timezone
    Private attributes

    In this section, you can update custom attribute fields for employees. Custom attributes allow you to create additional, custom fields to appear in individual account settings— such as T-shirt size, Compensation range, etc.

    This section will only appear if someone in your organization has created custom attributes. Whether or not you see this section depends on if your role has visibility into attributes assigned to the employee.

    Account settings
    • Check-in frequency: This setting refers to how often the person has a check-in due. Options are weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. If you select the "same as company" option, the person will always be on the same frequency as the company. Please note that if a person is in a group that has a custom Check-in frequency set, this option may be grayed out.
      Help Center article 💡: Change the frequency of Check-ins
    • Check-in due day: This setting controls what day of the week the person's check-ins are due. We do not allow check-ins to be due on a certain date, only a specific day.
      Help Center article 💡: Change Check-in due day
    • Next due date: This setting will only appear if a person's Check-in frequency is set to bi-weekly or monthly, and is especially helpful when first setting up someone's account settings. If you are adding them to the system in the middle of a check-in period, you might want to wait a period before having their check-in due. This option will not appear unless you are changing or first setting the person's Check-in period and/or due day.
    • Group membership: If applicable, add the person to a group or groups. Groups are used throughout Objectives, questions for Check-ins, creating Engagement surveys and Best-Self Review® cycles, reporting filters, and more. Depending on the company, you may have various groups and group types to help manage and report on groups of people.
      Help Center article 💡: Create a group and/or group type
    • Direct manager: This person is responsible for reviewing Check-ins, managing Best-Self Review® results, holding regular 1-on-1s, etc. There can only be one direct manager per person. Additionally, anyone directly below this person in the hierarchy cannot be the direct manager—this is called a manager loop. It is possible for people to have no direct manager. In that case, the person will not have anyone reviewing their Check-ins or Best-Self Review® results. 
      Help Center article 💡: Change a person's direct manager
    • Additional manager: Additional managers are people besides a review cycle participant's direct manager that have the ability to write a manager review about them in a Best-Self Review® cycle. Here, you can add one default additional manager for the employee and they will be granted additional manager permissions for all future review cycles. If desired, you can also add up to five cycle-specific additional managers for an individual.
      Help Center article 💡: Add a default additional manager for a participant
    • Best-Self Review® viewers: Here, add people that you want to have visibility into all of the employee's past, current, and future reviews. You are allowed to add the current manager here to give that current manager added insight into cycles that they were not responsible for managing. If you would like to add a review viewer for a specific review cycle, you can do that via the 'Edit individual settings' option within the cycle itself.
      Help Center article 💡: Add global review viewers for a participant
    • Permissions: The account administrator setting and billing administrator roles are added permissions for people who should have the ability to edit and manage things on a company level.
      Help Center article 💡: Role-based permission in 15Five
    • Company-wide questions: If the person should not be asked company-wide questions on their check-in, check this box. We recommend leaving this box unchecked for most people, if not everyone. Company-wide question opt ins/outs can also be managed on a group level.
      Help Center article 💡: Manage Check-in questions
    Export [Name]'s data

    This section is only available for HR admins. Here, you can export all Best-Self Review® data for an individual. After clicking Export Best-Self Review® data, you will receive separate emails containing CSV files of review results data for each review cycle the person has participated in.


    Help Center article 💡: Download a person's Best-Self Review® results history



    Any field that is editable can be changed. If a field is greyed out, it is likely being automatically updated via an integration. If this is the case, please update the information in the integration software and 15Five will update upon the next sync.

  6. Make desired changes. When you're done, click Save at the bottom of the page.

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