Email templates and notifications for Transform coaching

This article shares suggested templates for announcing coaching and training to your organization, as well as the text of invites/reminders that 15Five automatically sends to coaching participants.

This article contains:

If your team has questions about coaching, check out our "FAQs about coaching."

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Transform.
👥 This article is relevant to coaching admins and participants.
📦 This feature is available in Transform pricing packages.

Why communication around coaching is important

If you are starting to use 15Five Transform Coaching, it's important to communicate with the managers involved and explain coaching to your organization. Start by sharing with all employees about the role coaching will play in your overall employee engagement strategy. Involving managers in coaching will ultimately benefit the entire organization, as manager effectiveness is the top driver of employee engagement, performance, and retention. 

Next, make sure to communicate with the managers that have been selected for coaching. We want to make sure they are expecting to meet with a coach and understand that this is a positive investment in their personal and professional growth. Managers can be nervous when they are selected for coaching and think they are in trouble or being punished. Communicating with them beforehand can help to ease those nerves. To make this easy, we've provided email templates below.

Suggested email templates to announce coaching

Template: Admin to new manager accelerator participant

To: All participating managers
From: Company Admin
When: Week prior to kickoff month

Subject: 15Five Manager Accelerator Kickoff

Hi Managers,

We are excited to announce that (COMPANY NAME) is partnering with 15Five to provide online Manager Accelerator training. 15Five was chosen because (INSERT WHY HERE).

Starting in (MONTH NAME), you'll be asked to complete one course per month, at your own pace. Each course takes approximately an hour to complete and is broken down into bite-size learnings that can be taken individually around your schedule.

At the end of each month, we’ll have an internal Huddle via (Webex, Zoom, GotoMeeting, etc.) for (COMPANY NAME)’s participating managers to discuss learnings from that month’s course. This is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge and competencies as well as build stronger relationships with other managers at (COMPANY NAME).

In addition to the monthly training and Huddle, you’ll have access to a live monthly community session called Manager Masterminds hosted by 15Five. These sessions are one hour long and will facilitate conversations relevant to management with participants from other organizations. This is a great opportunity to share your perspectives and learn from others' experiences.

The first course that we’ll be taking is (COURSE NAME HERE). Please complete all coursework by (END DATE HERE). Our first Huddle will be on (INSERT DATE HERE); a calendar invite will be coming soon.

Look for an email from 15Five within the next few days with steps for accessing the Manager Accelerator Online platform. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

[OPTIONAL - Google Calendar Users] Calendar Invitations may have a message at the top asking to confirm that you know the sender. Please click 'I know the sender' for any invites coming from the 15Five team.

If you have issues setting up your account, please email

Warm Regards,

Template: Executive to leader eligible for coaching

[Leader Name],

I am pleased to share that we are bringing Strategic Advisors to YOU. You are eligible to receive a 1:1 Engagement Coaching session directly with a 15Five Engage expert, where a Strategic Advisor will help you better understand what matters most about your team results and how to pick an impactful action.

Attached is a short info sheet on what to expect in preparation for your first session, but please let me know if you have additional questions.

Next steps:

  1. Create a login. You will receive an email invitation from 15Five with instructions for setting up login credentials.
  2. Review your data. Exploring the portal ahead of your session will allow you to maximize the value of discussion with the Strategic Advisor.
  3. Schedule your session. Be on the lookout for an email from 15Five that will contain a direct link to schedule a 45 minute virtual session with a Strategic Advisor.

Remember, this data is a resource for you. Your commitment to taking action for your people will be key to our success. We are investing in you because we know how much of an asset you are. Thank you for being a part of the betterment of our company.

[OPTIONAL - Google Calendar Users] Calendar Invitations may have a message at the top asking to confirm that you know the sender. Please click 'I know the sender' for any invites coming from the 15Five team.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.



Template: Executive to leader eligible for coaching with accountability

[Leader Name],

I am pleased to share that we are bringing Strategic Advisors to YOU. You are eligible to receive a series of 1:1 Engagement Coaching sessions with a 15Five Engage expert.

Your first session will focus on helping you better understand what matters most within your team results and how to pick an impactful action. In the following session, you will discuss the progress you’ve made on that action and the next steps to continue progress.

Attached is a short info sheet on what to expect in preparation for your sessions, but please let me know if you have additional questions.

Next steps:

  1. Create a login. You will receive an email invitation from 15Five with instructions for setting up login credentials.
  2. Review your data. Exploring the portal ahead of your session will allow you to maximize the value of discussion with the Strategic Advisor.
  3. Schedule your first session. Be on the lookout for an email from 15Five that will contain a direct link to schedule a 45 minute virtual session with a Strategic Advisor. You will schedule your follow-up session at the end of your first call.

Remember, this data is a resource for you. Your commitment to taking action for your people will be key to our success. We are investing in you because we know how much of an asset you are. Thank you for being a part of the betterment of our company.

[OPTIONAL - Google Calendar Users] Calendar Invitations may have a message at the top asking to confirm that you know the sender. Please click 'I know the sender' for any invites coming from the 15Five team.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
[Executive name]

Template: 1:1 engagement action planning

[Leader Name],

I am pleased to share that we are working with 15Five to offer professional coaching to managers in our organization. You are eligible to receive a 1:1 action planning session. A 15Five coach will meet with you to determine an individual goal that you want to make progress on.

We see coaching as a valuable part of our engagement strategy and we're excited to provide this opportunity. We are committed to making this investment in our managers as it can have an impact on your own engagement and the engagement of your team.

Look for an email that will be coming from your coach asking you to schedule your session. You will get to meet with your coach for one hour to identify your goal and plan the next steps.

[OPTIONAL - Google Calendar Users] Calendar Invitations may have a message at the top asking to confirm that you know the sender. Please click 'I know the sender' for any invites coming from the 15Five team.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Template: Group engagement action planning session

[Leader Name],

I am pleased to share that we are working with 15Five to offer professional coaching to managers in our organization. You are eligible to be part of a group action planning session. A 15Five coach will meet with a group from [Organization] to determine a goal that you all want to make progress on.

We see coaching as a valuable part of our engagement strategy and we're excited to provide this opportunity. We are committed to making this investment in our managers as it can have an impact on your own engagement and the engagement of your team.

Look for an email that will be coming from your coach asking you to schedule your session. You will get to meet with the coach for one hour to identify your goal and plan next steps.

[OPTIONAL - Google Calendar Users] Calendar Invitations may have a message at the top asking to confirm that you know the sender. Please click 'I know the sender' for any invites coming from the 15Five team.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Template: Group coaching

[Leader Name],

I am pleased to share that we are working with 15Five to offer professional coaching to managers in our organization. You are eligible to receive a series of group coaching sessions. A 15Five coach will meet with a group from [Organization] to determine a goal that you will work through together.

We see coaching as a valuable part of our engagement strategy and we're excited to provide this opportunity. We are committed to making this investment in our managers as it can have an impact on your own engagement and the engagement of your team.

Look for an email that will be coming from your coach asking you to schedule your session. You will get to meet with the coach monthly to identify your goal and plan next steps.

[OPTIONAL - Google Calendar Users] Calendar Invitations may have a message at the top asking to confirm that you know the sender. Please click 'I know the sender' for any invites coming from the 15Five team.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Invites and reminders sent from 15Five

Transform Product Purchased

Sent to admins when the Transform product is available in their account.

Subject: Your product purchase is available in your 15Five account

Hi {First Name or there},

The following product(s) are now ready to use in your 15Five account:

  • {Product}

[Log in to 15Five]

Use our Help Center as a guide through the entire process of adding people and granting them access.

If you have any questions, please let us know at


The 15Five Team

Transform invitation

Sent to participants if they are active in 15Five and assigned a Transform seat.

Subject: You’ve been invited to 15Five Transform

Hi {First Name or there},

Welcome to 15Five Transform!

We’ve created an account for you. To complete your registration, please follow this link {link}

If you have any questions, please contact us at


15Five Transform

1:1 Invitation

Sent when a participant is assigned to a session - one hour after the session is created when it is in an Assigned status or when the session reaches the planned_at date for future sessions in a series subscription.

Subject: Time to schedule! {Organization} has selected you to receive coaching

Hi {First Name or there},

{Organization} has identified you as a key person to help with their engagement and performance progress. As part of this, you will meet with your {Facilitator role}, {Coach Name}.

{Session Description}


1:1 Reminder

Sent one, two, and three weeks after the session is assigned if it is still in an Assigned status.

Subject: Don’t forget! Schedule your {type} session

Hi {First Name or there},

Don’t forget that {Organization} has selected you to receive coaching. Please schedule as soon as possible to ensure you find a time that works best for you.

{Session Description}


Group Invitation - Scheduler

Sent when a participant is assigned to a session - one hour after the session is created when it is in an Assigned status or when the session reaches the planned_at date for future sessions in a series subscription.

Subject: Time to schedule! {Organization} has selected you to receive a {session type} session

Hi {First Name or there}, {Organization} has identified you as a key person to help with their engagement and performance progress. You will be part of a group session with your {Facilitator role}, {Coach Name}.

{Session Description}

In order to include everyone, you have been selected to schedule the session for the group. You can use the link below to schedule and view the list of participants to include.


Group Reminder - Scheduler

Sent one, two, and three weeks after the session is assigned if it is still in an Assigned status.

Subject: Don’t forget! Schedule your {type} session

Hi {First Name or there},

Don’t forget that {Organization} has selected you to be part of a {type} session.

{Session Description}

You have been selected to schedule the session. You can schedule and view the list of participants to include using the link below.


Group Invitation - Participant

Sent when a participant is assigned to a session - one hour after the session is created when it is in an Assigned status.

Subject: {Organization} has selected you to receive a {Type} session

Hi {First Name or there},

{Organization} has identified you as a key person to help with their engagement and performance progress. You will be part of a group session with your {Facilitator role}, {Coach Name}.

{Session Description}

To plan the session, {First and Last Name or email} has been selected to schedule for the group. Please coordinate with them to identify a time that works best.

[View Details]

Scheduled Confirmation

Subject: Your {session type} has been scheduled

Hi {First Name or there},

Your {session type} has been scheduled for {Date} at {Time} (ET). You will be meeting with your {Facilitator role}, {Coach Name}.

{Session Description}

[View Session]

Cancellation Policy: Should you need to cancel or reschedule your coaching session, you may do so up to 48 hours (business days) prior to your session. If you fail to cancel your session within the appropriate window, your session will be automatically expired and you will not be able to reschedule unless an additional session is purchased.

Post-Session Notes

Sent when a coach first adds notes to a session.

Subject: New note from your {facilitator role} {first and last name}

{Facilitator Name} left you a note from your session.

Hi {First Name or there},

We hope the time in your recent {type} session was helpful. You can review the key takeaways your {Facilitator Role}, {First Name Last Name}, added from your recent session together. Sign in to your Coaching Dashboard to view.

[View Note]

Admin Notification

Sent when there is not a designated scheduler.

Subject: {Subscription type} session is available to schedule

Hi {First Name or there},

A new {subscription type} session is available to schedule for {Organization}.

{Session Description}

As an admin, you are able to schedule the session for the group. You can use the link below to schedule and view the list of participants to include.


Session Descriptions

Many of the email notifications listed above contain a field for {Session Description}. Below you can read through what these descriptions will look like in those emails.

  • 1:1 Coaching: Coaching is a collaborative conversation focused on helping you gain the tools you need to achieve your goals. Using strategic coaching tools—inquiry, self-reflection, role play, skill development, etc.—your coach will support you through the process of increasing self-awareness, practicing new skills or mindsets, and taking in feedback.
  • Group Coaching: Group coaching is focused on helping your group process your experiences, share learnings, identify opportunities, and create collective accountability for growth and development. Your group will commit to a particular outcome or learning objective for each session.
  • 1:1 Engagement Action Planning: Engagement action planning helps you interpret your engagement insights at a team or department level. You’ll work with a coach to develop a tactical plan to address short-term issues or meet short-term goals.
  • Group Engagement Action Planning: Group engagement action planning helps your group interpret engagement insights at a team or department level. Your group will work with a coach to develop a tactical plan to address short-term issues or meet short-term goals.
  • Transform Skill Intensive: Transform skill intensives are group sessions where your group will work with a coach to build on a skill.
  • OKR Coaching: OKR coaching helps you through the iterative process of OKRs. You’ll be able to join an open office session with a coach to receive hands-on support with OKRs and related questions.
  • OKR Skill Intensive: OKR skill intensives are interactive team workshops on the basics and building of OKRs. As a group, you’ll explore success strategies for alignment, ownership, and dependency.
  • Briefings: During briefings, your leadership team and an executive advisor will discuss your results, personalized recommendations, and possible actions. The best briefings take place when you know what you want to accomplish with the briefing and review your results beforehand.
  • Transform Group Coaching: Transform group coaching is focused on helping your group process your experiences, share learnings, identify opportunities, and create collective accountability for growth and development. Your group will commit to a particular outcome or learning objective for each session.

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