This article contains...

Engagement? Why should I care?

You just got an email telling you to log into 15Five, and you're skeptical. You may have heard a little about it, but you have so much on your plate already. You're managing people, and there are already enough pressures! Today's manager is often expected to play many roles:

  1. Contributor to a KPI like revenue, C-SAT or productivity
  2. P&L Manager
  3. Coach
  4. Counselor
  5. Wrangler of drama

Can you relate?

Much of your ability to deliver comes down to the strength and engagement of your people. You cannot afford to guess on how folks are doing or just throw band-aid solutions at them like spiffs or "jeans day," hoping they will be pacified.

We can help...if you're up for it.

Your leadership team has decided to use 15Five's engagement tool. Our goal is to show you how your people are feeling about the work, their impact...and you. We'll give your people a way to tell you what they've already been thinking about, but haven't had the confidence to share.

This isn't just something else you have to do or something designed to make you look bad. Here's what's it in for you if your willing to embrace the process:

  1. Less drama between coworkers
  2. Less turnover / more retention of your best folks
  3. Priortized list of team needs
  4. "Think-like-an-owner" mentality in your team
  5. Growth of your own management skills, path, and income
  6. Make your boss and company look great

We get it. It sounds too good to be true. But here's some things we've heard:

  • "I can't believe that this one small change led to such a turnaround for my team."
  • "I figured out that meeting with my people 1-on-1 is worth my time because they know where they stand and 'own it' at work."
  • "Asking more questions of my team instead of me giving all the answers has unlocked their engagement potential."
  • "Now I can actually see what my Millennials need. Getting in there beside them and building a relationship has led to such a change in their productivity."

So buckle up. Your C-suite or HR leader will soon share your team engagement results. Here's an FAQ about what you will see. Don't hesitate to ask for support from HR.

Here's to making you and your team better!

Survey and Results: 101

Group Engagement Score

This section provides an explanation of the Engagement Score for groups and the corresponding engagement levels.

The Engagement Score is a metric that assesses how engaged employees are and is formed from a specific set of questions on an engagement survey. We calculate each employee's Engagement Score from their survey responses. The combined Engagement Scores from employees are reflected in your team's and the organization's Engagement Scores. Each score is then compared to all the Engagement Scores in our database to determine the percentile for that score. The percentile indicates the engagement level of employees and what action is needed:

  • Invest (0-5th percentile)
  • Develop (5th-25th percentile)
  • Encourage (25th-75th percentile)
  • Recognize (75th-95th percentile)
  • Celebrate (95th-100th percentile)



Groups that score in the bottom 5% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are very disengaged with their work. Because of this, we recommend that leaders take urgent action to invest in these groups.



Groups that are in the bottom 25% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are not engaged in their work. Leaders should take action to develop these groups so employees can become more engaged and fully contribute at work.



Groups that fall in the middle 50% of scores based on our Engagement Score database represent typical engagement levels. For these groups, leaders can encourage employees on what is going well and continue to take action to address areas that need focus.



Groups that are in the top 25% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are engaged in their work. This is great and leaders should recognize these employees to let them know what is going well.



Groups that are in the top 5% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are very engaged with their work. Make sure to celebrate these groups and keep up the efforts to maintain this success!

Confidentiality Policy

Unbiased and honest survey participation is critical to accurate engagement insights. For this reason, 15Five intentionally designs our system to provide this trust and security to employees so that we can deliver accurate insights to leaders. To ensure this, 15Five rigidly enforces our confidentiality policy in a few different ways.

"Rule of 5"

With groups smaller than five, it becomes easier to identify where each person falls on the engagement spectrum. 15Five will never show employee data when there are less than five employees in a group or less than five responses from a specific group.

  • No individual responses are identified. While the 15Five engagement system does know who you are, rest assured no one at your organization has access to raw or individual responses. Results are only ever presented to your leadership in aggregate by group with no fewer than five employees in any group.
  • No contact information is shared. 15Five does not sell personal contact information or use it for any other purpose, and it is protected with industry-standard encryption.

How does this work?

  • Insights Engagement Survey and Other Topic-Based Assessments: Results are only available if at least five employees respond within a given grouping. This means that groups with less than five employees will never have results available. If a group has more than five employees, but fewer than five responded, those results will be hidden. These employees' responses, however, will still be included as part of the overall organization Engagement Score.
  • Dynamic Feedback: All Dynamic Feedback comments are presented anonymously and can only be filtered by a single group type (i.e. Department). In order for Dynamic Feedback comments to be available for a group, at least five employees from that group must have responded to the quarterly assessment. If the group meets the rule of five criteria for the quarterly assessment, leaders with permission to that group can read any responses that are received even if we receive fewer than five comments.
  • Participation is confidential: 15Five does not share which employees did or did not participate in the survey. We do provide reporting about group response rates throughout the assessment.

If you have any other questions about confidentiality, please reach out to


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