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What metrics can I use to measure success in Action Plans?

As you create an Action Plan to improve HR Outcomes in your organization, you have the option to select metrics to track in connection to the plan. Once you launch your Action Plan, you can use the Impact tab of the HR Outcomes Dashboard to report on these metrics.

In this article, we'll walk through the metric options available to add to your Action Plan dashboard.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to HR Outcomes Dashboard.
👥 This article is relevant to roles and individuals assigned access to the Outcomes Dashboard.
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

HR Outcomes metrics

These Outcomes metrics are sourced directly from the HR Outcomes Dashboard. Learn how to configure the HR Outcomes Dashboard.

Manager Effectiveness Indicator

Description: A numerical score of how managers in your organization are performing based on a custom formula using both subjective feedback (collected through Manager Effectiveness surveys or reviews) and data from objective behaviors in 15Five. Learn how to configure MEI.

Source: The Manager Effectiveness Indicator or HR Outcomes Dashboard (in-app links)
Help Center article 💡: Use the HR Outcomes Dashboard
Help Center article 💡: Use the Manager Effectiveness Indicator


Description: Regrettable turnover is one of the three HR Outcomes that 15Five helps impact. It occurs when somebody’s departure from the company negatively impacts the organization, or when a high-performing employee that the company would have liked to keep decides to leave of their own accord.

Source: The HR Outcomes Dashboard (in-app link)
Help Center article 💡: Use the HR Outcomes Dashboard

Check-ins metric

This metric is sourced from the Pulse question in Check-ins.

Pulse Score

Description: The Pulse question in Check-ins asks employees, "How did you feel at work since your last Check-in?" Measuring Pulse gives you an idea of general morale and engagement in your organization.

Source: Check-ins Pulse Reporting (in-app link)
Help Center article 💡: Check-ins: Pulse dashboard & reports

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) metrics

Objectives and Key Results metrics are sourced from 15Five's Objectives feature.

% of OKRs on Track

Description: The percentage of objectives with a status of "on track" out of all created company-wide, group, and individual objectives.

Source: Objectives Status Reporting (in-app link)
Help Center article 💡: Objectives dashboard & reports

% of OKRs not on Track

Description: The percentage of objectives with a status of "at risk" or "behind" out of all created company-wide, group, and individual objectives.

Source: Objectives Status Reporting (in-app link)
Help Center article 💡: Objectives dashboard & reports

Performance review metrics

Performance review metrics are sourced from individual performance ratings in Best-Self Review® cycles. Performance ratings are automated numerical ratings based on combined scores from self and/or manager reviews. Learn how to launch a performance review cycle.

% Top Performers

Description: The % of individuals in your organization who placed in the top Performance Ratings+ category in the most recent review cycle, based on the selected rubric.

Source: Best-Self Review® Reporting
Help Center article 💡: Analyze review results: Performance Ratings+ reporting

% Middle Performers

Description: The % of individuals in your organization who placed in the middle Performance Ratings+ category in the most recent review cycle, based on the selected rubric.

Source: Best-Self Review® Reporting
Help Center article 💡: Analyze review results: Performance Ratings+ reporting

% Bottom Performers

Description: The % of individuals in your organization who placed in the lowest Performance Ratings+ category in the most recent review cycle, based on the selected rubric.

Source: Best-Self Review® Reporting
Help Center article 💡: Analyze review results: Performance Ratings+ reporting

Engagement survey metrics

Engagement survey metrics are sourced from results from your organization's most recent engagement campaign. Learn how to launch an engagement survey.



To protect employee confidentiality, you cannot view individual employee information when filtering by engagement metrics.

Engagement Score

Description: The Engagement Score is an overall measurement of how engaged employees are within your organization.

An individual's Engagement Score is based on their answers to 7 questions included in 15Five's standard EngageSurvey:

  1. The work that I do gives me a sense of pride.
  2. I feel a sense of happiness when I am working very hard.
  3. I find it very easy to stay focused on what is most important for me to accomplish at work.
  4. I find my work to be full of meaning and purpose.
  5. When I wake up, I feel like going to work.
  6. I am able to get into a state of complete focus while working.
  7. I love the feeling of working.

Employees are asked these questions on a 5-point agreement scale (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree).

Source: Reporting for your organization's most recent engagement campaign
Help Center article 💡: View results for an engagement campaign


Description: Employee Net Promoter Score, or eNPS, can be included in any engagement campaign to assess the likelihood of employees recommending their workplace to others.

Source: Reporting for your organization's most recent engagement campaign
Help Center article 💡: Add eNPS to an engagement campaign
Help Center article 💡: View results for an engagement campaign

Driver Scores

Engagement drivers are predictive characteristics of the work environment and employee experience that relate to workplace qualities and feelings that allow employees to engage with their work. 15Five's engagement model includes 17 drivers that employee engagement research identifies as influencers or "levers" of engagement, each of which is measured based on employee responses given to specific statements in the standard EngageSurvey. Measuring engagement drivers gives leaders the knowledge they need to identify which areas they should address to create an environment where employees are engaged with their work.


Description: Autonomy is a measure of the work experience. This driver assesses the degree to which an employee feels empowered to accomplish their work without constant oversight. High scores on autonomy would indicate that the employee does not feel micromanaged and feels freedom to accomplish their day-to-day tasks in the ways/processes that they feel are best for the outcome.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I can make meaningful decisions about how I do my job.
  • I have freedom to do my job in the best way I see fit.
  • I am not micro-managed at my job.

Description: Capacity is a measure of the work experience and can be defined as the degree of psychological availability an employee has to perform in their role. In other words, it speaks to their ability to handle and cope, both cognitively and emotionally, with the duties associated with their role at work

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I am confident in my ability to handle competing demands at work.
  • I am confident in my ability to deal with problems that come up at work.
  • I am confident in my ability to think clearly at work.
Coworker relationships

Description: The coworker relationships driver is a measure of an employee's relationship with their coworkers. This driver assesses the overall level of coworker cohesion/amicable interactions and positive relationships at the organization.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • My coworkers value my input.
  • I trust my coworkers.
  • My coworkers and I have mutual respect for one another.

Description: Fairness is a measure of leadership. This driver assesses the employee's perception of fairness of the company's allotment of rewards, and decision-making processes. It helps us to understand if their perception is that employees are treated fairly or unfairly.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • Decisions here about people are made using a fair process.
  • I feel the rewards I get are equitable given the work I do.
  • Overall I feel this organization is just and fair in the way it treats and rewards employees.

Description: Feedback is a measurement of an employee's direct manager. This driver assesses the employee's perception of the feedback they receive in terms of amount, frequency, and usefulness. Each of these three criteria is weighed together to represent the multi-faceted construct of receiving feedback from business leaders. This driver helps leaders understand the effectiveness of their communication with employees.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I get sufficient feedback about how well I am doing.
  • I get feedback that is constructive.
  • I receive feedback on a regular basis.

Description: Goal Support is a measurement of the work experience. This driver identifies the organizational efforts to remove structural barriers that prevent an employee from achieving their goals.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • There is a great support system at this organization that helps me achieve my work goals.
  • My organization helps to limit the number of distractions that keep me from achieving my goals.
  • My organization provides me with what I need to help achieve my goals.
Leader Availability

Description: Leader availability is a measure of the organization's leadership. It captures the degree of visibility and availability of their business leaders. Available leaders are approachable, visible, accessible, and readily available to all employees in the organization.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • The leaders of this organization are often connecting with people at work.
  • The leaders of this organization make themselves available for the employees.
  • The leaders of this organization can be easily reached by the employees.
Leader Integrity

Description: Leader integrity is a measure of the organization's leadership. It measures employees' perception of leaders' commitment to do what is best for employees and the company and their ability to follow through on that commitment.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • The leaders in this organization follow through with what they say they are going to do.
  • The leaders in this organization are reliable.
  • I can depend on the leaders of this organization.

Description: The manager driver is a measurement of an employee's direct manager. The relationship between the employee and their manager looks at respect, fairness, and development. This driver reflects each employee's assessment of the manager as they interact with the respondent (communication/interaction) more so than manager philosophy/culture.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • My manager treats me fairly in the way they interact with me.
  • My manager helps me develop confidence in my own ability to do my job well.

Description: Meaning is a measurement of work experience. The organization helps employees have a sense of value (purpose, money, status, and influence) when they immerse themselves in their roles.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • My job activities are personally meaningful to me.
  • I feel that the work I do on my job is valuable.
  • The work I do on this job is very important to me.
Professional Development


Professional development is a measurement of work experience. This driver assesses the employee's perception of the organizational opportunities and actions in developing the skills, knowledge level, and competencies necessary to carry out their tasks.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I am encouraged to expand my skills and abilities.
  • There is someone at work who encourages my professional development.
  • I have opportunities to increase my influence in the organization.

Description: Purpose is a measurement of an employee's work experience. It assesses the degree to which an employee believes in and understands the purpose of the organization's mission and focuses on how well the employee believes in and understands the organization's purpose and mission. Overall, the purpose driver reflects the employee's understanding, belief, and alignment with your organization's purpose.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I know why this organization exists.
  • I feel a shared sense of purpose with my work group.
  • I have a good idea of what this organization is trying to accomplish.

Description: Rest is a measure of work experience. This driver assesses the degree to which the employee believes that they are receiving an adequate amount of time off (i.e. rest) from their jobs. When answering statements related to the rest driver, employees reflect on whether or not they have the sense that they can take time off when needed.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I feel like I can take personal time off when I need it.
  • I feel like I can take a vacation when I need it.
Role Clarity

Description: Role clarity is a measurement of work experience. This driver measures how well the employee understands what's expected from them in terms of output, goals, and performance AND the guardrails around what is and is not their job.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I understand how my role fits into the purpose of the organization.
  • There is a clear link between what I do and organizational objectives.
  • Overall, I have a good understanding of what I am supposed to be doing in my job.
Role Safety

Description: Psychological safety is a measurement of an employee's direct manager. It reflects an individual's sense that they can show and employ their true selves at work without fear of negative consequences to self-image, status, or career.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • I am not afraid to be myself at work.
  • I do not sense any kind of threatening environment at work.
  • I am free to express my opinions at work.
Shared Values

Description: The shared values driver is a measurement of an employee's relationship with their coworkers. This driver reflects whether or not coworkers share common work attitudes and is an indicator of a similar work ethic.

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • The people who work here share common work values.
  • I have shared work values with my coworkers.

Description: Utilization is a measurement of work experience. This driver assesses the degree to which the employee feels that they are being utilized to their potential. Regarding employee skills and competency, this driver assesses to what degree the employee feels challenged, appropriately. "This job pushes me to do my best — and I'm hitting that mark."

Source: Driver scores are measured in engagement surveys. To measure this driver, employees are asked to share how strongly they agree or disagree with the following survey statements:

  • My job makes good use of my skills and abilities.
  • My job challenges me in a positive way
  • My skills are being utilized to their fullest potential.

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