August 2024 - 15Five Releases

The Core EngageSurvey is now available in Spanish!

You can now give employees the option to view the Core EngageSurvey in Spanish.

Release date: August 29th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform

We’re excited to announce that the Core EngageSurvey is now available in Spanish! This update simplifies the process for organizations with Spanish-speaking employees who want to take part in engagement surveys.

After reaching out to our team to enable the Spanish option for your organization, respondents will initially receive the survey email in English. When respondents click the survey link, they’ll be directed to the survey page in English. On this page, they can select "Spanish" as their preferred language.

Selecting "Spanish" will instantly translate the entire survey to Spanish for that session. From that point forward, any respondent who selected Spanish will receive both the survey email and the survey itself in Spanish.

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Help Center article 💡: Conduct engagement surveys in Spanish

Easily see which calibration sessions a person is included in using the full progress report

Admins can now audit and verify participant inclusion in review cycle calibration sessions without manual cross-referencing!

Release date: August 27th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform

Previously, identifying which participants were included in calibration sessions required cumbersome manual work. Now, admins can quickly see all the calibration sessions an employee was part of, streamlining the process and improving report usability. Simply download the Full progress report and refer to the "Calibration Session Status" column for a participant to see all calibration sessions they're included in.

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Help Center article 💡: Available downloads in Best-Self Review®

Ability to import external performance data

Admins can now import and access historical performance data directly within 15Five.

Release date: August 26th, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform

15Five's new external performance data import allows you to import review cycle data from sources outside of 15Five. This new capability enables you to:

  • Keep track of all performance data in one, easy-accessible location,
  • View trending review data across all performance review cycles, and
  • Easily populate the Performance tile of the HR Outcomes Dashboard using historical data— so you can immediately access insights and recommendations to improve performance across your organization.

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Help Center article 💡: Import external performance data
Help Center article 💡: Configure the HR Outcomes Dashboard

Option to require comments for competency questions

Admins can now require comments when creating competency questions in performance reviews.

Release date: August 23rd, 2024
Best-Self Review®
Plan availability:
Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform

Competency questions in Best-Self Review® cycle allow participants and managers to rate how well employees live out company-wide, group, and/or role-based competencies. With this release, Review admins have the option to require comments on competency ratings during the process of creating a question template. This helps ensure that feedback is more thorough and detailed so that it can be used to directly support employee development.


Help Center article 💡: Create a custom question template
Help Center article 💡: Upload and manage competencies

Enhanced Termination Date Syncing for ADP Customers

You can now sync additional termination data from ADP to 15Five.

Release date: August 23rd, 2024
HRIS Connector
Plan availability:
All pricing plans

We’ve rolled out new functionality to sync additional valuable termination data for ADP customers. Along with termination dates, you can now sync termination reasons, types (voluntary/involuntary), and regret status to 15Five from ADP. This enriched data will power our prediction models, helping us generate deeper insights and support our customers in retaining their top performers. This enriched data can be used to gain deeper insights into reducing regrettable turnover within your organization.

New ADP customers will have this feature turned on automatically, and current ADP-integrated customers can choose to opt into this feature in integration settings.

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Help Center article 💡: HRIS Connector

Manager hierarchy visualization in the HR Outcomes Dashboard

We've introduced a new way to visualize Manager Effectiveness Indicator data that highlights hierarchical relationships.

Release date: August 14th, 2024
HR Outcomes Dashboard
Plan availability:
Total Platform

When accessing Manager Effectiveness reporting, leaders now have the option to toggle between a list view and a hierarchy view of managers within the organization. This update makes it easier to visualize manager effectiveness through managerial relationships in your organization.


Help Center article 💡: Measure manager effectiveness using the HR Outcomes Dashboard

Filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard by High Potential employees

HR admins can now filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard to display outcomes scores and insights for employees who are marked as high potential.

Release date: August 12th, 2024
HR Outcomes Dashboard
Plan availability:
Total Platform

15Five's "high potential" attribute allows HR admins to easily denote employees that have the potential to make a big impact on the organization. With this release, HR admins can filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard to view outcomes scores and insights for employees who are marked as high potential, making it easier to take action to improve the overall engagement and retention of these employees.


Examples of actions you may take with high potential employees include:

  • Career Development Plans: Tailor development plans to align with the employee's career goals, providing clear pathways for growth and advancement within the organization.
  • Challenging Assignments: Assign high-impact projects or stretch roles that challenge their abilities and allow them to contribute meaningfully, keeping them engaged and motivated.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair them with senior leaders or mentors to provide guidance, support, and networking opportunities, fostering their professional growth.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Regularly acknowledge and reward their contributions through promotions, bonuses, or public recognition, reinforcing their value to the company.
  • Involvement in Strategic Decisions: Engage them in strategic discussions and decision-making processes, giving them a voice in shaping the company's direction and deepening their commitment to its success.

Help Center article 💡: Mark an employee as high potential
Help Center article 💡: Use the HR Outcomes Dashboard
Help Center article 💡: Create an Action Plan

Exclude employees by hire date in engagement campaigns

Ensure more accurate and relevant feedback with the ability to exclude recent hires from Engagement campaigns based on their hire date

Release date: August 5th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage, Total Platform

You can now exclude recent hires from Engagement campaigns based on their hire date, ensuring more accurate and relevant feedback. This highly requested feature allows you to tailor your campaigns by excluding newer employees who may not yet have enough experience to provide meaningful feedback. The participation count will automatically update, giving you an accurate understanding of your campaign reach. By excluding these employees, your campaign data becomes more relevant and reflective of the established team members, providing more meaningful insights.


Help Center article 💡: Create a targeted engagement campaign

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