Engagement Feature Product Releases

The Core EngageSurvey is now available in Spanish!

You can now give employees the option to view the Core EngageSurvey in Spanish. August 2024.

Release date: August 29th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform

We’re excited to announce that the Core EngageSurvey is now available in Spanish! This update simplifies the process for organizations with Spanish-speaking employees who want to take part in engagement surveys.

After reaching out to our team to enable the Spanish option for your organization, respondents will initially receive the survey email in English. When respondents click the survey link, they’ll be directed to the survey page in English. On this page, they can select "Spanish" as their preferred language.

Selecting "Spanish" will instantly translate the entire survey to Spanish for that session. From that point forward, any respondent who selected Spanish will receive both the survey email and the survey itself in Spanish.

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 2.08.33 PM.png

Help Center article 💡: Conduct engagement surveys in Spanish

Exclude employees by hire date in engagement campaigns

Ensure more accurate and relevant feedback with the ability to exclude recent hires from Engagement campaigns based on their hire date. August 2024.

Release date: August 5th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage, Total Platform

You can now exclude recent hires from Engagement campaigns based on their hire date, ensuring more accurate and relevant feedback. This highly requested feature allows you to tailor your campaigns by excluding newer employees who may not yet have enough experience to provide meaningful feedback. The participation count will automatically update, giving you an accurate understanding of your campaign reach. By excluding these employees, your campaign data becomes more relevant and reflective of the established team members, providing more meaningful insights.


Help Center article 💡: Create a targeted engagement campaign

Locked participants upon engagement campaign launch

With this release, all active 15Five users at the time of campaign launch will be included as participants in the engagement campaign. February 2024.

Release date: February 15th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform

We updated the engagement campaign setup experience to lock participants when an engagement campaign starts. Previously, newly-added users were added to live engagement campaigns automatically. With this release, only active 15Five users who are synced into Engage at the time of the campaign launch will be included as participants in the engagement campaign. If needed, admins can add employees to a campaign once it's live.

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Help Center article 💡: Create an engagement campaign

The HR Admin role now includes engagement permissions

The HR Admin role has been updated to include Engagement admin permissions including creating surveys and results visibility. January 2024.

Release date: January 18th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

In the past, the HR Admin role could view and manage demographic attributes and run reports that contain demographic information. With this release, we've granted HR admins additional administrative permissions in Engagement that allow them to manage Engagement feature settings, create and manage engagement campaigns, and view all engagement survey results. Only Account admins can be appointed as HR admins.

Help Center article 💡: Manage HR admins
Help Center article 💡: Roles and permissions in 15Five

"Complete Survey" Actions

Engagement survey participants will now be notified on their homepage when it's time to fill out a survey. December 2023.

Release date: December 14th, 2023
Features: Engagement and Homepage
Plan availability: 
Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform

Following the release of our new actions-oriented homepage last month, we've added a new type of system action: "Complete Survey." This action will be assigned to a person's action list in 15Five when they're added as a participant in an engagement survey campaign through 15Five's Engagement feature. With one click, participants will now be able to access the survey directly from their homepage and will no longer have to solely rely on the email/text link. Once a person completes their engagement survey, the action will automatically be marked as "complete."

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Help Center article 💡: Actions Overview
Help Center article 💡: Homepage for employees
Help Center article 💡: Homepage for managers

Statement Breakdown for Engagement Surveys

Explore the distribution of answers given to statements included in an engagement campaign. December 2023.

Release date: December 21st, 2023
Feature: Engagement
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

The "Statements" tab of Engagement results allows you to explore the distribution of answers given to statements included in an engagement campaign. In this tab, you can view a list of all engagement survey statements alongside a bar graph showing how survey participants responded to each statement.

Seeing which statements your employees resonated with— or didn't resonate with— can enable you to pinpoint which areas to focus on to improve engagement across your organization.


Help Center article 💡: See how employees responded to engagement campaign statements

Flexible confidentiality options for engagement survey results

We added flexibility around the minimum number of survey respondents required to view engagement results for a group. September 2023.

Release date: September 6th, 2023
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

In the past, if a group contained fewer than 5 individuals or if fewer than 5 members of a group submitted surveys during an engagement campaign, it wasn't possible to view engagement results for that group. With this release we've given admins the flexibility to lower the respondent threshold to 3 or 4 respondents in Engagement feature settings (Settings > Organization Settings > Results Access).


Help Center article 💡: Confidentiality for engagement surveys
Help Center article 💡: Configure Engagement feature settings

Resend engagement survey invitations to individuals

You can now resend the engagement survey to an individual employee without resending it to all participants. September 2024.

Release date: September 5th, 2024
Plan availability:
Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform

Engagement Admins can now resend an engagement survey to an individual employee, providing greater flexibility in managing survey participation. Previously, resending a survey to one person required sending it to all participants. This update streamlines the process and avoids unnecessary emails to those who have already completed their surveys.


Help Center article 💡: Resend an engagement survey invitation

Engagement Homepage in 15Five

HR admins can now launch key engagement workflows from a centralized page. August 2023.

Release date: August 25th, 2023
Plan availability:
Engage and Total Platform

HR admins will now see a new homepage for Engagement within 15Five upon clicking Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation. In the past, HR admins would be guided to the Engage Portal upon opening the Engagement feature.

From this page, HR admins can launch engagement campaigns, view lists of active, upcoming, drafted, and ended campaigns, access results for ended campaigns, confirm drafted campaigns, and more.

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 8.34.50 AM.png

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